Thursday 16 August 2018

Who will win the Universal Title at Summerslam?

As we are heading towards Summerslam. The big question comes in the mind is Who will win the Universal title at Summerslam? Will it be Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns. This all started at the WrestleMania between these two superstars and the fight is still on. Brock Lesnar has been champion from last 501 days which is the most by any superstar in WWE. Whereas Roman has tried his best to come and fight against Brock Lesnar. The last time when they fight was at Great Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia.

Roman reigns and Brock Lesnar

Roman Reigns has gone through a tough time after consecutive losses to Brock Lesnar. But, he didn't lose his hope for the Universal title.  He has come after beating Bobby Lasley in the main event of Raw. He has been very motivated to win the title this time. After we have seen Brock has attacked his own advocate and his advocate and has said that in a recent interview that the mood in which Brock Lesnar is in now. Roman Reigns has not had any chance of winning the title.

What happens in the last two encounters between these two superstars?

brock Lesnar

  1. At WrestleMania for Universal Title 

As we have seen before Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar has attacked several times. and everyone thought Roman is going to win at Wrestlemania, but he didn't. The reason why everyone expects Roman to win as Brock Lesnar's contract was getting over and so maybe WWE will crown him the Universal champion. But at the last moment, Brock was given a new contract and everyone's hopes were shattered. But the match was a hard-fought victory for Brock Lesnar as Roman has given him the best fight and Brock has also believed that he is the only superstar who has a kick-off his superior move 5-times. No other superstar has done it once. So Roman is the toughest guy he has ever faced in WWE. His advocate believes Roman has given a fight that no other superstar has ever given to the Beast. Although, The result wasn't in the favor of the Big Dog. But still, he fought very hard.

     At Greatest Royal Rumble

This time, It is tougher for Roman Reigns to win against the Beast as the match structure is a steel cage match which Brock Lesnar calls it as its second home. This kind of match is the most loved fight of the Beast. And Roman has a point to prove and he just gives the fight to the Beast. At a stage, Brock Lesnar and his advocate were thinking Roman will win but that didn't happen at the Great Royal Rumble. As Roman Reigns's speared Brock Lesnar through steel cage and the person who will hit the floor first will be the champion. As we have seen that Roman has touched the floor first but it is the mistake of the referee who has made the wrong decision and he has apologized to the big dog after the fight. But, it has cost him the title and he is uncrowned champion till now.

But the question at comes in everyone's mind is "Who will win the Universal Title at Summerslam?"

What the WWE fans expect from this match?

Most of the fans are supporting Roman Reigns as Brock is having a fight at UFC for a title match. So, he may leave the WWE for some time and maybe Roman reigns will become the champion and will be the new face of the WWE. It will e good to see what happen at Summerslam. Roman will beat Brock Lesnar after what has happened with him at the last Raw as Paul Heyman- the advocate of Brock Lesnar has a spray in the eyes of Roman Reigns and he cannot see anything and after that Brock has attacked him badly and it is also not sure whether he will fight or not. It will be good to see who will win the universal title at Summerslam?

Roman and Brock

Some people also Believe Brock Lesnar will win the match as WWE will provide him the new contract and he will retain his universal Title at Summerslam. Brock Lesnar has been the face of WWE since he beaten Goldberg. So it will difficult to replace him or take the title from him. It will be good to see Who will win the universal Title at Summerslam?

Braun Strowman

If Braunstrowman retains its Money in the Bank briefcase and then, he has the opportunity to cash in the contract in the main event match between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns and the match will turn out into a Triple threat. and then Braun is the only men who will win the title. Another case, coming to my mind is if Kevin Owens win the match against Braun Strowman and he will have the opportunity to cash in the contract and in this case Roman is my favorite to win the title. This is the reason why this Summerslam is very uncertain, we cannot predict who will win. Who will win the Universal title? This is the question in everybody's mind.

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