Showing posts with label WWE Raw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WWE Raw. Show all posts

Monday 21 January 2019

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019?

WWE Monday Night Raw returns dancing into our lives this evening (Jan. 21, 2019) from the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, including the return home show to the forthcoming Royal Rumble pay-per-see booked for this Sunday night in Phoenix. 

Brock Lesnar makes his passage, Paul Heyman next to him as usual. 

Paul does his typical early on spiel before getting serious and saying that last week on Raw Finn Balor stuck John Cena. He ventured up and grabbed the occasion, to such an extent that Cena himself, the second-most noteworthy ever, took the mic in his grasp and said he puts stock in Balor. What's more, he should! To such an extent that the WWE Universe has now stood up as one and proclaimed that they all have faith in Balor. 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Enter Vincent Kennedy McMahon. 

He says Heyman's gone somewhat delicate and that is a little old-school advertiser of him to find some business by recommending that Balor can contend with Brock. He'd propose that the main way anybody could have faith in the match is on the off chance that they have faith in the narrative of David and Goliath, to which Paul says he's never perused the Bible. Vince discusses how David got high on mushrooms and Goliath beat the damnation out of him, which isn't the way I recollect the story. 

Enter Braun Strowman. 

He gets in the ring and Paul keeps running off yet Vince and Lesnar stand firm, McMahon asking what he's doing here. Strowman advances and Vince asks Brock to quit playing with him. Braun starts, saying last Monday was the most exceedingly bad day of his life, with Baron Corbin costing him $100K and his title coordinate, yet that was the most fortunate night of Lesnar's life, and in the event that regardless he has the title after Sunday, Strowman will pause and he'll tear him separated like one of McMahon's limousines. Vince requests that he relax - 

Enter Finn Balor. 

David remained in the shadow of a monster and they chuckled in his face, yet they didn't know david's identity and what he was made of, and Goliath fell face-down in the earth, blast. McMahon proposes a genuine David and Goliath today among Balor and Strowman! 

Braun Strowman versus Finn Balor

The match started with vancement and Balor is on the back foot yet gets a jawbreaker and a dropkick for some detachment. Avoid the charge, enzuigiri from the cook's garment, Strowman diverted by Lesnar however Finn stands out enough to be noticed... what's more, gets dropped into the tangle. Lift him up, coast over, boots up in the corner, Sling Blade blocked and counntered with a clubbing blow! 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Back inside, arbitrator Rod Zapata considers Braun gradually stumbles to his feet and back in. Evade the charge, flying lower arm, off the ropes with another, a third gets obstructed a goozle and for the pummel however Balor transforms it into a sleeper hold! Again into the ropes to break it however Finn locks it ideal back on! Strowman staggers to one foot however figures out how to pry Balor's hands separated. 

Brock pulls him off the cover and hits the F-5, at long last driving official Rod Zapata to call it... 

Finn Balor wins by disqualification. 

Apollo Crews versus Bobby Lashley 

The match is in advancement, Lashley gets a nearfall off an invert STO and sets him up best however Crews hits a missle dropkick and both folks are crestfallen. Donkey kick, front kick, duck a tether, jumping rope into a kip-up and Apollo is started up! Headed up best, arrives on his feet when Bob charges in, move through, student stick for two. Military press however his back gives out and the two men collide with the tangle! 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Going for the press again and he hits the military press drop yet Lashley rolls from the standing moonsault. Venture up enzuigiri, Lio running impedance, Crews tosses him in yet he has insane avoidances until the point that he gets captured in the press, Bob thinks quick... 

Bobby Lashley wins by pinfall with the lance. 

Drew McIntyre versus Seth Rollins 

The match is in advancement and Rollins clotheslines McIntyre to the floor before hitting a suicide jump! Back in, springboard clothesline, just a nearfall and Seth pursues with a hack. Whip turned around, front kick, back elbow, back body drop sends Drew over the ropes and to the floor! Rollins climbs, lands on the post... Also, MCINTYRE MOVES OUT OF THE AXEHANDLE, SENDING SETH CRASHING INTO THE BARRICADE! 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Setting him up best, moving for position, gamengiri amazes Drew... Creepy crawly BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPERPLEX! Sit up on the charge, McIntyre started up however he runs directly into a superkick... NOT ENOUGH! Exchanging lower arms and cleaves amidst the ring, headbutt interfaces and the two men end up depressed! Fire fighter's convey, Drew moves up best and moves his position... Torrential slide AIR RAID CRASH GETS A TIGHT NEARFALL! 

Specialist Bomb... STILL NO! Forward and backward, Rollins underwrites... 

Seth Rollins wins by pinfall with a student stick. 

Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers (Samir and Sunil Singh) versus Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik, Kalisto, and Lince Dorado) 

Dorado and Mahal to begin, Jinder with a twofold leg in the corner, Lince with a leg kick however he keeps running into a hammer and an invert chinlock presently. Tag to Samir, he gets dropkicked to hellfire and labels Sunil in. Back body drop, tag to Kalisto, scoop and a pummel, off the ropes, spring up falling sprinkle into the running falling sprinkle for one! Knucklelock, slaps to the cheswt, twofold hop flipping lucha arm drag, a plain arm haul into an armbar yet Singh tosses him through the ropes and to the floor. 

Tag to Mahal, back inside for the cover, no way. Switch chinlock connected, tag back to Sunil and he snatches a side headlock. Tag denied, Kalisto whiffs a kick and Singh knocks in any case, the way is clear... label made! Jumping crossbody from Metalik, triangle dropkick, handspring into a tilt-a-spin backbreaker, Samir can't get in so as to split it up... 

Lucha House Party win by pinfall with a tilt-a-spin backbreaker from Gran Metalik on Sunil Singh. 

Baron Corbin versus Elias 

Over from business, the match is in advancement and Elias completes a rope-walk arm drag! Off the ropes, dropkick through the ropes, however on the floor Baron turns the tide and clobbers the stray with punches on his arrival. Charging shoulders, slingshot, the Drifter with a knee, moving shaper... Probably not! Kicks to the gut, whip endeavor, hack, Baron gets him... 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Noble Corbin wins by pinfall with End of Days. 

Corbin celebrates at ringside.

Once more from business, Alexa Bliss makes her passage for another release of A Moment of Bliss. 

She presents her visitor, Nia Jax. Euphoria needs to know who Nia would test on the off chance that she won the Royal Rumble, yet Ember Moon intrudes. She yanks the mic out of Jax's hands and says she's worn out on sitting in the locker room hanging tight for a welcome that was never coming, so she's creation her case - this Sunday, she's triumphant the Royal Rumble. 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Enter Alicia Fox, who yanks the mic out of Moon's hand and says she's the chief of the division, so she's setting the course for WrestleMania, and that is going to begin by experiencing every one of them on Sunday. 

Heavy Machinery (Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight) versus the Ascension (Konnor and Viktor) 

Dozovic and Viktor to begin, neckline and elbow, Otis backs Ascension into the corner and they end up exchanging cleaves. Viktor crushes him into the corner, Dozer builds up, disregards a waistlock, scoop, turn, and a hammer, tag to Knight. Off the ropes, stereo headbutts! Tucky started up, dashes into a boot, Vik with slashes, whip, springboard crossbody, tag back to Dozovic. 

Bushwhacker walk, off the ropes, stereo body torrential slides, they thump Konnor down when he comes in, Otis with a little move into an elbow drop, back elbow for Viktor, started up, Dozer slapping his biceps... HE'S DOING THE WORM INTO AN ELBOW DROP, IT'S THE CATERPILLAR! Tag to Knight, World's Strongest Slam grip... 

Heavy Machinery win by pinfall with the Compactor on Viktor. 

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable (c) versus the Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson (WWE Raw Tag Team Championship) 

More out of control and Gable to begin, Dash gets a wristlock and wrenches it in. Move through getaway, drop foothold into an armbr and a tag to Roode yet unique visitor official Curt Hawkins calls attention to he wasn't holding the label rope! Dawson labels in, passing Chad into the turnbuckles, tailing it with cleaves that send the Olympian to the floor. Chad tossing lower arms, into the ropes, Scott drops him with an uppercut and clears the cook's garment! 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Plunging crossbody, move through, bunch of tights and Curt cancels the stick once more! Kick to the gut, dump to the cover, again contending with Hawkins and Gable gets a shoulder push into a springboard dusk flip. More out of control attempts to square it... 

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable win by pinfall with a dusk flip from Gable on Scott Dawson to hold the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship. 

The Revival quibble with Hawkins and end up thrashing him! ZACK RYDER MAKES THE SAVE! Significant BROTHERS FOREVER! Ryder dumps Wilder and Dawson thus and stands tall with his old accomplice! 

Analysis shills for the WWE Network some more. 

Boss and Hug Connection (Bayley and Sasha Banks) versus Natalya and Ronda Rousey 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Banks and Natalya to begin, Sasha with a dirty move on Rousey and she brings Nattie directly down into a hold. Move to a wristlock, tag to Bayley, short twofold whip into the corner and a twofold suplex for one. Tossing Neidhart into the corner, twofold stir into a twofold hip hurl, sliding elbow and a knee and Ronda comes in and brings Bayley down! Judo toss on Banks, they stand tall and jaw as we go to break. 

Neidhart with a snap suplex back inside, running step to the back of the head, storm cellar dropkick, pick the legs, the Sharpshooter is on however Bayley splits it up! Clear the cover, Natalya with a disk tether, she returns to Sasha, powerbomb countered, knee strike, lungblower... 

what are the latest WWE Raw results on 21 january 2019-gossip daily

Boss and Hug Connection win by accommodation with the Bank Statement from Sasha Banks on Natalya.

Saturday 19 January 2019

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019?

The Raw started with the entry of Braun Strowman as he was calling out Baron Corbin because, at No Mercy, Baron cost the Universal title to him, and also saying that no one can protect Brock Lesnar from me. Now, Baron comes out and started his dirty talks and he makes Braun run after him and even make him angrier and Braun started attacking in the background. Now, Braun looks after the car and he breaks the door of that car. The car belongs to the boss- Mr. McMahon. The boss was very furious and make him 100,000 dollars penalty and even lose his title shot at Royal Rumble.

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019- gossipdaily

Then, Mr. McMahon comes in front of the WWE Universe and looking for the new competitor for Universal champion Brock Lesnar.  Then, comes John Cena- 16 time WWE Champion and he was ready and says I am more ruthless and aggressive and will kick Brock's ass. Then comes Drew Mcintyre who was trying to convince Mr. McMahon that he deserves the title shot against Brock Lesnar and then comes Baron Corbin who want to get his respect and in the comes Finn Balor who says I deserve the opportunity Because I am the first Universal Champion and Mr. McMahon never have confidence in his abilities. So, Mr McMahon decided a match i.e. Fatal 4-way and winner faces Brock Lesnar

"Rowdy" Ronda Rousey and Sasha Banks versus Nia Jax and Tamina

The chime rings, and Sasha Banks begins against Nia Jax. Jax says she needs Ronda Rousey, so Rousey gamely goes for a tag. Banks at that point sucker punchs Jax and hits a hurricanrana. Banks hits a couple of running twofold knees. Jax hinders a second one and puts her on the best rope. Banks kicks her back, yet Jax before long brings her down. Banks goes for an arm drag, yet Jax doesn't move. Jax lifts her, however Banks bounces on her back for a sleeper hold. Jax thumps her off. Banks returns with another sleeper hold, however Jax pummels her off. Banks gets on the best rope, boots her back, and hits a bulldog. Banks interfaces with a sliding knee for a two tally.

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019- gossipdaily

Ronda Rousey labels in, and the group cheers. Rousey punches her to the corner, yet Jax before long stops her. Tamina labels in and head-butts Rousey down. Rousey promptly returns and brings her down for an arm bar, yet Jax hauls Tamina out of the ring to stay away from it. Jax and Tamina course of action at ringside. They remain outside for a long while Rousey holds up in the ring. Banks at that point brings Jax down to get some activity going.

We return from the break to see Jax applying a loving squeeze to Banks. Banks battles out, yet Jax powerbombs her for a two check. Jax hits a knocking down some pins ball sprinkle on her for another two tallies. Amid the business, Tamina daze labeled in and superkicked Banks. Back to live activity, Jax applies a button bolt. They at that point go to an image in-picture casing to play the trailer for the motion picture Glass. Banks escapes the button bolt with a jawbreaker, yet Jax rapidly floors her with a back elbow. Tamina goes for a scoop hammer, however Banks counters with a move up for a two tally. Banks goes for a tag, however Tamina stops her. Tamina then thumps Rousey off the cook's garment. Banks avoids Tamina, sending her into Jax. Banks at that point hits a Russian Leg Sweep and applies the Bank Statement for the accommodation.

The Lucha House Party versus The Revival

Scott Dawson is irate that the Lucha House Party didn't say anything regarding Dawson's foot being on the base rope a week ago. It's an ideal opportunity to pay up.

It'll be Kalisto and Gran Metalik speaking to their unit. Dash Wilder brings Kalisto down and ridicules them. Kalisto makes a rebound and brings Wilder down with a pleasant springboard arm drag. Kalisto and Metalik hit Wilder with a twofold group sprinkle for a two check. Dorado labels back in, yet Dawson comes in and brings him down.

We go backstage to see Dasha Fuentes outside Mr. McMahon's entryway. She talks with Apollo Crews, who needs a title shot at the Royal Rumble. Brief Hawkins needs a shot and make it Lesnar versus The Streak. Fuentes turns and sees EC3 remaining there. The B-Team at that point comes up, just as Heath Slater.

Later today around evening time, we'll see Dean Ambrose protect the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley. We'll likewise have A Moment of Bliss with Paul Heyman as the uncommon visitor. Coming up straightaway, Bayley and Natalya will group with a riddle accomplice to go up against The Riott Squad.

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019- gossipdaily

Mr. McMahon is strolling with a stagehand backstage when Jinder Mahal stops him. Mahal says it's a respect to be in McMahon's quality and compliments his suit. Mahal inadvertently calls him Vince and says he's vexed he wasn't considered for the Fatal 4-Way Match. The WWE Universe was ransacked of a fantasy coordinate against Brock Lesnar a year ago. McMahon inquires as to whether Mahal truly thinks individuals need to see Mahal versus Lesnar. Mahal says he won't let McMahon down. McMahon instructs him to pick a man in the Fatal 4-Way. In the event that he can beat him, he can get in the match. Mahal faces Finn Balor. McMahon mockingly wishes him good fortune.

The Riott Squad versus Bayley, Natalya, and Nikki Cross

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019- gossipdaily

The pundits declare that the fresh debuts from NXT will show up on the two shows previously they get appointed to a brand. Nikki Cross isn't formally on the RAW program.

Jinder Mahal w/Samir Singh versus Finn Balor

While Finn Balor is making his passage, Samir Singh diverts him. Mahal then thumps him off the turnbuckle. Mahal assaults Balor at ringside and drives him ribs-first into the blockade. Mahal shouts that he will go the Royal Rumble. Mahal gets him in the ring, and the arbitrator keeps an eye on Balor. Mahal requests he ring the ringer. Balor says that he can go.

The ringer rings, and Mahal superkicks Balor for a close fall. Mahal punches him down a couple of times before applying a jaw bolt. Balor battles up and dropkicks Mahal down. Mahal pulls him to the cook's garment, however Balor thumps him off. Balor then goes for a running kick, yet Mahal clears the feet.

WWE Intercontinental Championship – Triple Threat Match

Dignitary Ambrose (c) versus Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush versus Seth Rollins

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019- gossipdaily

Ambrose endeavors to persuade Rollins to group with him to take out Lashley. Rollins tosses Ambrose into Lashley. Rollins takes Lashley out and hits a plancha. Ambrose assaults, however Rollins cuts him off. Rollins gets him in the ring and hits a check body close off the best rope for a two tally. Lashley keeps running in, however Rollins stops him. Ambrose assaults Rollins from behind. Lashley and Ambrose unite to assault Rollins. They alternate assaulting Rollins. Lashley hits a suplex and spreads, however Ambrose splits it up. Ambrose instructs him to unwind. Ambrose holds Rollins up for Lashley to punch. Lashley then holds Rollins up, and Ambrose kicks him. Ambrose and Lashley keep on assaulting the waist of Rollins. Rollins evades a torrential slide from Lashley and battles back. Lashley then KILLS Rollins with a spinebuster. Ambrose at that point thumps Lashley out of the ring. Rollins gets Ambrose with an inside support for a two tally. Rollins thumps Ambrose out of the ring. Rollins then hits Ambrose and Lashley with a suicide plunge. Lio Rush gets in the ring. Rollins endeavors to assault, however Rush dodges him. Rollins pursues him, so Lashley gives Rollins a spinebuster on the floor! Lashley catches up with a tummy to-paunch suplex on Ambrose on the floor!

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019- gossipdaily

Paul Heyman came in before Alexa was finished presenting her. Heyman got out the four men who tested for Braun's spot against Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble and talked about why every one of them were unequipped for vanquishing Lesnar, not even John Cena.

John Cena vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin

He anticipated that Drew McIntyre will one day be Universal hero, yet not at any point in the near future. Otis Dozovic of Heavy Machinery meddled yet was taken backstage by his label group accomplice Tucker Knight and authorities, as the section finished with Alexa and Heyman not by any stretch of the imagination comprehending what was happening.

John Cena hit a major proceed onward Corbin from the best at an early stage and Drew McIntyre broke the check. Cena hit the 5-Knuckle Shuffle and after that the AA before going for the stick however Baron Corbin broke the tally. John and Balor collaborated for a moment against Corbin before McIntyre came in and dropped both Cena and Balor from the best rope.

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 14 january 2019- gossipdaily

Corbin hit the End of Days on Balor however Drew McIntyre broke the check. Cena took an enormous move and was in a bad position yet figured out how to battle out it. Balor went for the Coupe de Grace on John however Cena met him on the best and hit an AA from the best rope. Corbin assaulted Balor with a steel seat and afterward went to hit John Cena yet took an AA. Balor went up best and hit the Coupe de Grace for the enormous success.

Monday 24 December 2018

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018?

He plays a couple of bars instrumentally before propelling into his typical spiel about strolling and such. He says it's fitting that he's opening up the Christmas Eve Raw, in light of the fact that during this season there are three certainties that pursue everybody - tranquility on earth, altruism to his individual man, and WWE represents stroll with Elias. He at that point says he will give us the endowment of beating and mortifying Bobby Lashley today around evening time, yet first he has the best present, a unique Elias Christmas tune, for us all. 

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Bobby Lashley versus Elias (Miracle on 34th Street Fight) 

Hovering, Lashley in with a takedown into grounded punches before crushing Elias confront first into the turnbuckles and putting boots to him. Clubbing blows into a swinging neckbreaker, Bob goes for more face-crushing into shoulder pushes to pursue that, overhead elbow, lower arms and kicks into a gag, Whip over, Drifter up and over to the cook's garment yet he gets clobbered down with a lower arm.

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Bringing Elias into the corner, setting him up best, maneuvering for position, searching for a superplex however the Drifter squares... What's more, LASHLEY TAKES A FOREARM THAT KNOCKS HIM INTO THE LEGO! Stunning to his feet, following Elias at ringside and he gets a face brimming with CO2 out of a fire douser! Off the ropes... What's more, LIO RUSH GETS KNOCKED OFF THE APRON AND THROUGH A TABLE! Knee to the face, discharge quencher shot, stepping without end and Elias takes care of business a knocking down some pins ball out of one of the presents. 

He squares it up and tosses... STRIKE RIGHT IN THE GENTLEMAN'S AREA! The Drifter gets into another present and gets a cello out! Cello to the back... 

Elias wins by pinfall with a cello shot to the back. 

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable (c) versus the Revival (WWE Raw Tag Team Championship) 

More stunning and Roode to begin, hovering, Dawson with the diversion for a student and Bobby abandons away! Waistlock, Dash switches to a wristlock and labels Scott in. Roo with a kick, a slash, tag to Gable, more hacks, twofold stir into a Stinger sprinkle and a Poetry in Motion monkey flip... Probably not! Chad on him with an armbar, stooping into it, Dawson counters with a bunch of hair and gets him in the corner for punches and slashes! 

Peak needs the tag, he gets it, Bobby sets it up yet Dash push shim into the corner. Chad with the moonsault, he arrives on his feet... Mayhem THEORY CONNECTS BUT DAWSON BREAKS THE PIN UP! Scott labels in, whip to the corner, up and over into a nightfall flip for two! Rana stick from Dawson outta no place, just two, jackknfe from Gable turned around into a break faith endeavor, switched, Wilder labels in, uppercut German suplex into a crossing over stick... ROODE WITH THE SAVE! 

Going for a helped suplex, Bobby with the spare, Chad thinks quick... 

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable win by pinfall by method for Gable switching a suplex into a little bundle on Scott Dawson to hold the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship. 

Dolph Ziggler gets a handcam promotion where he identifies things he merits, as Shane McMahon giving him the Best in the World trophy, a Netflix extraordinary, and evidence that he's simply that damn great. 

Drew McIntyre makes his passageway, and we go to break before his match can start. 

Dolph Ziggler versus Drew McIntyre versus Finn Balor 

Circumnavigating, Balor and Ziggler both surge in and McIntyre takes them out. Terminating hacks off, attracting Dolph up the corner, Finn gets his boots up and Ziggler gets an elbow. Balor with a flying lower arm, off the ropes, another, Drew as yet standing yet stunned, impermanent union and McIntyre gets clotheslined to the floor! Dolph in charge, right hands, scratching Finn's face over the best rope. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Balor gets a kick yet takes the Fameasser, McIntyre can get a kick and hoss Dolph around... Altered Alabama Slam places Ziggler into Finn however can't put Balor away! Squaring Finn up, lying in pause... SLING BLADE! Finn with some extravagant avoidance, gamengiri interfaces, up finish and Ziggler cuts him off! Searching for the enormous DDT, Drew throws him off yet Dolph lands a headbutt and a superkick... Deathblow BREAKS IT UP! 

Started up, rope sends McIntyre to the floor, shotgun dropkick for Ziggler, up best... 

Finn Balor wins by pinfall with the Coup de Grace on Dolph Ziggler. 

Alicia Fox, Dana Brooke, and Mickie James versus Supervisor and Hug Connection (Bayley and Sasha Banks) and Ember Moon 

Moon and James to begin, Ember with a speedy student for a nearfall, neckline and elbow, Mickie with a wristlock. Moon inverts, gets a punch into a kick combo yet James evades the last one and falls off the ropes for a kick for her very own nearfall. Coal pushes her off, kip-up headscissors takeover and a tag to Fox. Moon cuts her off with a kick, off the ropes... suicide jump on Mickie! 

Tossing James back inside for reasons unknown, Alicia runs Ember over and we go to break. 

Hugger in hot, knee to the head into a Saito suplex before clearing the overskirt and charging in for a shoulder push. Back move, tube man... cut off with a lasso! Tag to Mickie, charging in, Hot Shot and a tag to Sasha! Knees in the corner, headed up best and Meteora associates somewhat free however Fox splits it up! Coal hits Eclipse on Alicia, the Boss goes for the lungblower yet James kicks her off. 

Tag to Bayley, lungblower sets it up... 

Manager and Hug Connection and Ember Moon win by pinfall with the Bayley-to-Belly from Bayley on Mickie James. 

The Riott Squad hit the ring after the match and beat our victors down, dumping them out of the ring for an early notice of how the Royal Rumble functions. 

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer couldn't discover him a way to the Universal Championship, and all Strowman will get from Santa Claus is one major chunk of coal, and at the Royal Rumble- - 


Enter Braun Strowman. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

He gets in Heyman's face while Paul asks off, wishing him different merry Christmas. Braun hauls out a red nose and tusks and puts them on him, calling him Paul Heyman, the Red-Nosed Advocate and saying he has a message for him to reclaim to Brock. At the Royal Rumble he'll be recuperated up and Lesnar will get These Hands! 

A recap of the occasions that lead to today around evening time's WWE Raw Women's Championship coordinate follows. 

Natalya versus Ronda Rousey (c) (WWE Raw Women's Championship) 

Orbiting, side headlock takeover from Natalya, headscissors counter, turned around, stalemate. Back to hovering, moving for position, Rousey with the takeover this time and Neidhart turns around to a cross stick for one. Ronda back at it with a wristlock, Nattie turns around, side headlock takeover, shot off, bear square gets two. Neckline and elbow, Neidhart with a leg pick into a front chancery and Rousey turns around to a hammerlock. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Pick the legs, cross them over yet Rousey battles out of it... PIPER'S PIT! Getting the arm, a miserable look all over, dithering and Neidhart inverts into the Sharpshooter amidst the ring! Ripping at, scratching, slithering, coming to, Natalya hauls her back to the focal point of the ring! Losing her grasp as Ronda creeps and reaches and figures out how to move to her back, pick the leg to counter, snatch the arm... 

Ronda Rousey wins by accommodation with the cross armbar to hold the WWE Raw Women's Championship. 

Rousey draws her companion up and they grasp before official Chad Patton presents her the title. Ronda holds both the title and Nattie's hand up high. 

Senior member Ambrose gets a promotion in a dim room where he wishes Seth Rollins fortunes in his match against Baron Corbin this evening. Or on the other hand well, not by any stretch of the imagination, he wishes him what he merits, the simple trick that most likely still has confidence in Santa that he is. This year Dean got the present he merits, the Intercontinental Championship, and envision the lousy Christmas Seth'll have in the event that he loses today. 

Heath Slater versus Jinder Mahal 

Neckline and elbow, Mahal with a wristlock, twisting it in yet Slater turns around. Jinder with a back elbow, cleave, whip over, enormous back elbow from the Modern-Day Maharaja into a straight suplex for two. Three-quarter nelson, slip into a turn around chinlock when Heath gets to his feet the distance and... HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS THROUGH THE CROWD! 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Mahal confronts holler at the fat tangle, Slater exploits with a superkick... also, the Singh Brothers hit the ring for the beatdown. 

Heath Slater wins by preclusion. 

Santa Clause gets in the ring and asks Jinder and his young men to stop since it's Christmas, and they really oblige him... Santa Clause TAKES MAHAL OUT WITH A LARIAT AND DUMPS THE SINGH BROTHERS TO THE FLOOR! Santa Clause WANTS A GORE... Gut! IT WAS RHYNO THE ENTIRE TIME! 

Magnificence and the Man-Beast embrace and offer a snapshot of occasion fraternity. 

Backstage, the B-Team is

as yet singing and are some way or another on the 42nd day of Christmas. Hailing, Bo breakdown and Curtis goes along with him as they go out brimming with Christmas cheer to send us to break. 

Seth influences his passageway and us to go to break before the match can start 

Baron Corbin versus Seth Rollins 

Rollins out hot, punches and hacks, backing Corbin into the corner and driving ref John Cone to pull him off. A nobleman with a knee, off the ropes, Seth furnishes a proportional payback, clotheslines him to the floor and hits a suicide plunge! Drawing him up, right hand, pacing after the Lone Wolf, slash, crushing his face into .the overskirt yet around the bend Corbin figures out how to slam him into the cook's garment and tosses him back in. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Boot up on the charge, up and over, spring up countered... Bird of prey ARROW BUT HE CANNOT DO THE DEAL! Tuning up the band as Corbin rises, superkick to the waist, Blackout dodged... Profound SIX CAN'T KEEP ROLLINS DOWN! Placing Seth in the corner, setting him up best, right hands, manoeuvring for position and strikes send Rollins folding to the smock. 

Enzuigiri associates, springboard... Gotten INTO THE CHOKEBREAKER BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH! End of Days blocked, little bundle... Nearly! Avoid the charge, shoulder to post, move through, Avada Kedavra, out of the corner... 

Seth Rollins wins by pinfall with Blackout. 

Rollins celebrates while discourse wishes us a Merry Christmas.

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Will Roman Reigns retain his title at Smackdown live ?

 From the past few weeks, we have saw that Cesaro is been trying to chase the Universal Champion, but Roman Reigns has not given response to...