Tuesday 14 August 2018

What are the latest Raw results ?

Ronda Rousey comes out to kick-off the show. So that she can do a promo. This is how the latest Raw results start. She started describing the passing of Natalya's father Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart and also she added any loss is heartbreaking, but the father is one the most important relationship that a girl has in her life and basically, fathers are the pillars of the life. Then Ember entered the ring and she also describes some words about this and latterly Alexa bliss entered with her mate and with some guards to help her. Alexa Bliss take advantage and push Ember to the Rousey and she has sent out of the ring, Then Rousey comes and tries to get his hand on the Alexa and then she attacks the guards and then to the Alexa Bliss.
Ronda Rousey

Alexa Bliss vs. Ember Moon

Ember with a wristlock, grounding the champ, headscissors applied as a counter, kip-up escape, arm drag into the armbar and we go out for a picture in picture ad. When we come back, Bliss is jawing at Ronda and Ember takes advantage, legsweep into a reverse STO, only two and Alexa rolls to the floor! Baseball slide catches her true, Moon throws Bliss back in the ring, snap mare into a reverse chin lock.
Back from commercial, Bliss has a wristlock applied and is throwing kicks for a near fall! Mat slam counter, roll-through into double knees and she locks a reverse chin lock on. Nearfall on the escape, right back to the hold, Ember struggling, fighting, rolling her off, side cradle gets two! Dropkick from the champion, trading pins, big right from Alexa! The latest Raw results show Ember Moon win the match via disqualification.

Constable Baron Corbin vs. Tyler Breeze

Collar and elbow, Corbin overpowers Breeze easily but gets caught in a wristlock, reversed, big uppercut, into the half nelson chinlock to lock Tyler down. Breeze posts to his feet, throwing in the ropes, kick combo, off the ropes with a dropkick and Baron is sent to the floor! Tyler to the apron, diving, caught, and Corbin throws him chest-first into the barricade and gives himself a round of applause!

Back inside, shoulder thrust from the apron, slingshit up and over, off the ropes... DEEP SIX! IT’S OVER! THe latest Raw results show Corbin win via pinfall.
He gets on the mic after and talks about how good he is and how he’s gonna beat Finn Balor up on Sunday, and now it’s time for Finn to wrestle his opponent, Jinder Mahal. He and Sunil Singh come down, Baron shakes their hands and goes to leave but remembers he forgot that Finn is such a big man and a big start that he’s gotta be happy fighting two guys at once in a handicap match, and his other opponent is Kevin Owens!
Kurt Angle comes before the entry of Finn Balor and said it is unfair for Finn to fight alone so his tag team partner is Braun Strowman.

Braun Strowman & Finn Balor vs. Jinder Mahal & Kevin Owens

Finn Balor and Jinder to start the match both were trying their first move. But both were able to counter each other move. Then Jinder make the move and take him towards their part of the ring and attacks him with the help of Kevin and they keep on doing, but Balor trying to counter the move and went for the tag to Braun and he comes and powerslam to Sunil Singh and then hit Kevin out of the ring and he then hit the running powerslam to Jinder and goes for the pin 1-2-3. and then after the win, he runs after Kevin Owens. The latest Raw results show Braun Strowman and Finn Balor win the match via pinfall. And Corbin gives days of the end from behind.

Bobby Lasley
He says his favorite musician in the world is Elias. He says one day he’s gonna be in the hall of fame and Elias will come to his face and say those magical words-- he’s cut off by Elias’ entrance. Elias grills him on how big a fan he is and tells him he can impress him tonight if he beats and humiliates Bobby Lashley. The Drifter talks about how well his career is going and all the engagements he has coming up and says he’ll perform his greatest song at SummerSlam.

B-Team (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel) (c) vs. Deleters of Worlds (Bray Wyatt & Matt Hardy) vs. the Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson) (WWE Raw Tag Team Championship)

Dallas and Wilder to start the match and both were looking to make the move and then Bray and Hardy try to attack them and the Raw tag team match continues as now all the superstar tries to make an impact by making their moves. Then Bray Wyatt gives his superior move and goes for the pin but Axel sends him out and goes for the pin 1-2-3. The latest Raw results show B-Team retains the tag team championship.
Backstage we see Roman Reigns moseying along when the B-Team rolls up celebrating and excited. Reigns look on with an eyebrow cocked and continue on his way as we go to break.
In the arena proper, Roman Reigns makes his entrance.
He gets on the mic and talks about not leaving this place and he said but Brock is not gonna understand what he is talking about and he added I'm sick of listening about Brock and its championship titles. He’s taking his Universal Championship back, and he’ll send Brock so far back into the UFC that he’ll find his head stuck in Dana White’s ass.

Roman Reigns
Enter Paul Heyman and he said its a new day for me to start and he was looking like as he is in the support of Roman Reigns and told him I am with you Roman and you will beat Brock Lesnar this Sunday. And offered him to allow him to be his advocate. But Roman refuses and gave him the letter. But as Roman started reading the letter he sprays on his eyes and he cannot see anything right now, Then came the Beast with the bad intention in his mind and he started attacking the big dog as he is defenseless and then Brock decided to leave the arena. But when he saw Roman is trying to get up, he came back and gave him F5 and leave the ring.

Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar) & Mojo Rawley vs. Bobby Roode & Titus Worldwide (Apollo Crews & Titus O’Neil)

Crews dodges a charge, gets a pair of enzuigiris off and Rawley tags in. Back suplex, Apollo lands on his feet and tags Roode in. Bobby up top, diving lariat, clear the apron, corner lariat, whip reversed, boots up, diving blockbuster but Rezar breaks it up! O’Neil clotheslines him out of the ring, Mojo blasts him, Bobby is right on him. Bobby and the O'Neil world win via pinfall. This shows the latest Raw results.

Bobby Rude and O'Niel World
Backstage, medics are tending to Roman Reigns while Kurt Angle looks on.
Commentary informs us we’ll celebrate the life of Jim “the Anvil” Neidhart after the break.

Ruby Riott vs. Sasha Banks
Sasha trying her best to beat the ruby Riott. Both were trying hard to beat each other. Sasha has been good with all her moves and Ruby also trying her best to do the job done. As her team member looks an opportunity to attack Sasha but Bayley was quick to make a move and Ruby was taking advantage and pin Sasha 1-2-3. The latest Raw results show Ruby beat Sasha via pinfall. 
Backstage, Kurt Angle is sweating and a crew member comes up to tell him there’s no sign of Seth Rollins. Baron Corbin berates him for waiting to make it official and says Stephanie McMahon isn’t going to be happy, telling him all he has to do is make matches and he can’t even do that right.
 Kurt Angle is in the ring for the WWE Intercontinental Championship contract signing.

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