الأحد، 2 ديسمبر 2018

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018?

Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre, and RAW's GM-Elect, Baron Corbin were in the ring as RAW commenced. They referenced that they were appreciative for the beating that Strowman got at their hands a week ago. Stroman showed up on the Titantron and he was in the healing facility anticipating medical procedure for a broken elbow. He guaranteed that once he has returned to full well-being, he would wreck the three. 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Corbin said that it was improbable that Braun would have the capacity to confront him at TLC and referenced being the changeless GM of RAW as the light went out for Elias' passageway. Elias had a match with Lashley and had kept in touch with him a melody. 
Elias versus Bobby Lashley 
Elias handled a couple of slashes from the get-go before Lashley took control and went for an early stick however it was just a 2 check. Elias handled a kick, sending Lashley outside and afterward hit a baseball slide. Lashley recuperated and tossed Elias into the ropes. 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Elias hit a dropkick and more cleaves before Lashley tossed him outside. Mcintyre nearly got included before Lashley sent Elias into the ring post. Elias hit a knee to the head and a flying elbow however Rush hauled the ref out of the ring before the three tally

gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Senior member Ambrose was back and was getting a checkup and said that the group of on lookers were all vermins and referenced a mess of maladies including Ebola that he could get from the group. He got a shot from the specialist to immunize himself while saying that he will put Rollins out of his hopelessness. 
Lucha House Party versus The Revival - Lucha House Rules 
Gran Metalik and Dash Wilder commenced the match and the luchadors nearly got an early pinfall. Dawson was in and hit a couple of huge moves previously Kalisto and Dawson were the lawful men. The luchadors went for brisk finishers including a senton and got the fast triumph with the chances to support them while Dawson was stuck in the corner unfit to spare his accomplice from the stick. 
Rousey gets trapped 
Nia Jax was out with Tamina after the match and said that she was appreciative for breaking Becky Lynch's face. She at that point ridiculed Rousey while posting her very own achievements. Rousey intruded on the discourse and made her passage. Rousey destroyed on Nia for a bit before testing her to coordinate.

gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Nia came up with some senseless rationalization while Rousey prepared for an assault. Natalya turned out to help Rousey however was trapped by the Riott Squad before she could achieve the ring. Rousey withdrew with her harmed companion and Nia and Tamina were still in the ring as the section finished. 
AOP (c) versus Bobby Roode and Chad Gable - RAW Tag Team Championship coordinate 
Akam and Roode commenced the match while Drake Maverick had Roode's $10k Robe in his ownership. Peak came in with a best rope move and Rezar was labeled in too. Peak utilized the ropes for an armbar before Rezar countered a twofold group move. 
Free thinker wore Roode's robe and went up to the phase to ridicule him before vanishing backstage with it as Roode looked on from the ring. peak was taken out by Akam as we came back from advertisements and Rezar was labeled in. 
Roode and Rezar were in the ring as Maverick showed up on the Titantron and he was in the restroom with Roode's robe. He tossed the robe into the latrine and continued to urinate on it with Roode viewing with sickening dread. AOP hit their twofold finisher and finished the match with a triumph. 
Result: AOP def. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable to hold the RAW Tag Team Championship 
Coal Moon (with Curt Hawkins) versus Alicia Fox (with Jinder Mahal) 
Alicia Fox began off solid and hit a swinging neck breaker, keeping the weight on Ember as the match went on. Coal countered an accommodation move and hit a major suplex off the best rope pursued by the Eclipse for a fast triumph. Hawkins began praising like it was him who won as No Way Jose made his passage, line dance close by. Ash and Hawkins participate on the festival as we broke again for ads. 
Jinder Mahal versus No chance Jose 
We came back from advertisements to see this match officially in progress. Jose went for an early rollup and took a boot to the face. Jinder had Jose in a wrestling hold before hitting an elbow and knees to the head. Jose ate a suplex and got a close fall before being captured in a wrestler's hold once more. 
Jose hit a major crossbody off the ropes and after that a gigantic suplex. Jinder recouped and hit the Khallas for the win. 
Seth Rollins (c) versus Dolph Ziggler - Intercontinental Championship coordinate 
Ziggler put the champ in a wrestling hold, Rollins handled an arm drag and clotheslined the previous champ outside the ring as we headed into a business break. Again from the break, Ziggler had Rollins in a wrestling hold as the group recited for "Monday Night Rollins". 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Ziggler strove for a superplex from the best rope yet was pushed down. Rollins went for the frog sprinkle, however, Ziggler moved out. Ziggler handled a Famouser, however Rollins by one way or another kicked out. Ziggler countered and got a move up, however, Rollins just kicked out. Rollins then handled a kick to the essence of Ziggler for a close fall. 
Sasha Banks and Bayley Q&A 
Alexa Bliss commenced the Q&A session and picked a young lady from the gathering of people in a Rousey shirt who asked what they would do to change to RAW Women's division. Sasha said she would dispatch Alexa back to SmackDown. 
Alexa made a decent attempt to turn them against one another however when that fizzled, Dana Brooke, Mickie James, and Alicia Fox assaulted the label group from behind. Sasha and Bayley fended the three aggressors off as Alexa withdrew and the section was finished. 
Finn Balor versus Noble Corbin and Drew McIntyre 
Balor emptied on Corbin from the get-go yet Corbin backed things off with a headlock. Balor hit a colossal dropkick pursued by a major commencement the smock as we set out toward advertisements. 
We came back to see Balor on the floor outside as Corbin drove him into the blockades again and again. Balor went for a springboard move yet Corbin struck him down on the overskirt. Corbin hit a clothesline for a two tally. Balor hit a twofold step after a major counter. Finn hit a slingblade yet took a Deep Six for a close fall. 
gossipdaily-  the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Balor hit a twofold dropkick yet missed the Coupe de Grace as Corbin ran out and announced that the match was changed to a 2 on 1 cripple coordinate with Drew McIntyre as Corbin's accomplice. 
Balor jumped off the ropes and hit McIntyre with a plunge and after that a colossal dropkick to Corbin, disposing of him. McIntyre hit the Claymore subsequent to taking Finn back to the ring and got the pinfall. 
Bobby Lashley made his passage and every one of the three hit their finishers on Finn, crushing the previous Universal Champion.

الجمعة، 16 نوفمبر 2018

What are the matchcards of WWE Survivor Series ?

gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

2018 WWE Survivor Series expectations 

Label Team Survivor Series Elimination Match - Bobby Roode and Chad Gable, The Ascension, Lucha House Party, B-Team and The Revival (Raw) versus The Usos, New Day, Good Brothers, SAnitY and The Colons (SmackDown) 

Jack Jorgensen, Adam Silverstein: It might appear to some as though the unbalanced idea of the pairings here could be a smokescreen for a Raw win - yet I don't believe that is the situation by any means. With this filling in as the kickoff demonstrate coordinate before the primary merriments happen, this one goes chalk as The Usos will procure one more award that they can gloat about going ahead for the SmackDown mark. Pick: SmackDown wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Brian Campbell: It can be exceptionally hard to anticipate a champ in this sort of match where, at last, nothing is in question. One thing that emerges is the means by which unbalanced the groups are supportive of SmackDown regarding quality. More often than not, that will in general mean the vexed triumph is coming. The red brand group who may best utilize the push of being sole survivor is Bobby Roode and Chad Gable. Pick: Raw wins 

Label Team Champions - AOP (Raw) versus The Bar (SmackDown) 

BC, AS, JJ: Unlike the other dream coordinates on the card between dynamic heroes of the two brands, this one has no storyline behind it or reasons it may be critical. It's therefore that the match would be best reserved as short and overwhelming for AOP, who can all the more likely utilize the push on this sort of grandstand. Pick: AOP wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Cruiserweight Championship - Buddy Murphy (c) versus Mustafa Ali 

JJ, BC, AS: It's far too soon to pull the cruiserweight title off of the uber-skilled Murphy, however I don't figure a triumph for the Australian champ will be the story everybody discusses leaving this one. In addition to the fact that I believe that Ali will be unsuccessful in one more journey for the purple lash, yet I figure the misfortune will come through a double-crossing on account of good companion and previous champ Cedric Alexander. In a universe of character turns in WWE recently, how about we add another to the rundown! Pick: Buddy Murphy holds the title. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.   

Men's Survivor Series Elimination Match - Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Finn Balor and Bobby Lashley (Raw) versus The Miz, Shane McMahon, Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy (SmackDown) 

gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

AS: There's such a great amount in question for Strowman in this match it would be a flat out stunner for the Raw group to lose, also the way that it is unmistakably superior to anything its SmackDown partner start to finish. In the event that WWE was not going to satisfy Stephanie McMahon's guarantee to Strowman, there would have been no motivation to make it in any case. The inquiry is will's identity left remaining when the subject of is finished. I think Raw really commands the match with Strowman and McIntyre ending up as the survivors. There's nothing to pick up from SmackDown winning, and a misfortune would help with a potential Shane McMahon heel turn, which would be phenomenal. Additionally, anticipate that Randy Orton will discover his way into this one. Pick: Raw wins 

BC, JJ: McMahon's astonishing - and unusual - triumph in the World Cup competition in Saudi Arabia as a very late substitution was intended to fuel the storyline of his kin contention with sister Stephanie in front of Survivor Series. This is a direct result of Shane's over-excitement that this yearly Raw-SmackDown competition has a touch of juice this year. Search for the blue brand to get the triumph with the goal that disharmony on the Raw side among Stephanie and acting general director Baron Corbin will proceed. While there's positively a contention to be made that Strowman or McIntyre are better off as the last man/men standing, Shane will figure out how to lie, cheat or take his approach to triumph. Pick: SmackDown wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Ladies' Survivor Series Elimination Match - Natalya, Mickie James, Nia Jax, Tamina Snuka and Ruby Riott (Raw) versus Carmella, Naomi, Asuka, Sonya Deville and TBD (SmackDown) 

JJ, BC: This one truly can be a near calamity to decide, however at last, you're most likely going to be left with a dream of Jax and Snuka standing tall as the sole overcomers of the match. Jax has a Raw ladies' title shot in her extremely not so distant future with Rousey, and I speculate WWE will truly need to keep on pushing the story of Jax and Snuka being a joined power to be figured with. Finishing the SmackDown ladies' group in this conventional 5-on-5 coordinate helps the reason in such manner. Pick: Raw wins 

AS: If the Raw men will win (spoiler for my later forecast), at that point the ladies should take their end coordinate. That is also the way that Ronda Rousey will probably beat Charlotte Flair in the ladies' singles session on this show. The SmackDown group is essentially better - and not contained for the most part heels - and when you see who can get a lift from being the sole survivor, there's solitary two aggregate names that emerge: Asuka or Jax. With Jax as of now having her title shot, search for Asuka to stand tall here. Coincidentally, where the damnation are Sasha Banks and Bayley? Pick: SmackDown wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Midcard Champions - Seth Rollins (Raw, IC) versus Shinsuke Nakamura (SmackDown, U.S.) 

gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

JJ, BC, AS: Despite not being planned for the Survivor Series occasion at all, Dean Ambrose has been at the front line of this "fantasy coordinate" to a few. Just a couple of years prior, fans were salivating at the possibility of seeing Nakamura and Rollins square off in a WWE ring. However here we are at long last, and it's about Ambrose as Rollins pretty much declines to recognize he even has this session coming up. Furthermore, depend on it, it will be about Ambrose by and by when he meddles and in this manner costs an effectively occupied Rollins the match against the United States champion. Pick: Shinsuke Nakamura wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.   

Ronda Rousey (Raw Women's Champion) versus Charlotte Flair (SmackDown) 
gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

BC, AS, JJ: While the sting of Becky Lynch hauling out with a broken face and genuine blackout absolutely lifts the spirits of this match, the inclusion of Flair (initially anticipated that would have been Rousey's WrestleMania rival) gives want to the possibility that WWE realizes what is has with Lynch. Might we be able to be poised to see Rousey-Lynch in April when everything matters? How about we trust so. For the time being, Rousey-Flair makes for a fascinating redirection, despite the fact that it isn't likely we see a spotless wrap up. This may be the ideal time to plant seeds for a possible twofold turn among Rousey and Lynch by having Rousey's Four Horsewomen sidekicks from NXT make a trip to enable her to out. Pick: Ronda Rousey wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Heavyweight Champions - Brock Lesnar (Raw, Universal) versus Daniel Bryan (SmackDown, WWE) 
gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

AS, BC, JJ: Moving from AJ Styles to Bryan in this match was foolhardy, as I would like to think, especially on the grounds that Styles getting requital for Lesnar's win a year ago could have set up an enormous brush off at WrestleMania. With Bryan remaining as the new boss, it damages to realize that he is fundamentally going to lose his first match with the title. Yet at the same time, there's no other path for this to end. A face Bryan beating a foot sole area Lesnar at WrestleMania - that I would purchase. A foot rear area Bryan beating a rear area Lesnar at Survivor Series does not bode well. Pick: Brock Lesnar wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

الجمعة، 9 نوفمبر 2018

What are the latest results of WWE Raw ?

The RAW list is on the stage. Before the slope is a line of security monitors. Nobleman Corbin's music hits, and the Acting General Manager of Monday Night RAW advances toward the ring to boos from the group.

Baron Corbin

Corbin respects the group to Monday Night RAW, and they uproariously boo him. Corbin instructs them to not be frightened by the additional security. He's only a prominent person. We're coming up on an extremely energizing time. He's not looking at Thanksgiving. He's discussing Survivor Series, the one time a year RAW and Smackdown clash in the rivalry. The new Universal Champion Brock Lesnar will confront the WWE Champion AJ Styles. Crude Women's Champion Ronda Rousey will confront Smackdown Women's Champion Becky Lynch. We'll likewise have a 5-on-5 label group disposal session. Each match is a shot for RAW to indicate it is the predominant brand. Crude has a score to settle. The official of Smackdown, Shane McMahon, stole the title of "Best in the World" from RAW and Dolph Ziggler. That will be tended to one week from now by RAW's magistrate, Stephanie McMahon. Corbin says RAW will be predominant at Survivor Series, which will undoubtedly make him perpetual General Manager.

For the ladies' group, he required a director with incredible aptitudes. Picking the majority of the individuals to RAW's ladies' group will be their chief… Alexa Bliss. Joy thanks the future perpetual General Manager. She's lowered. She'll take to a greater degree an administration job than contending. Given her phenomenal accomplishment as a 5-time champion, they could all take in a considerable measure. She will watch the ladies intently today around evening time. They won't lose to the B-appear, not on her watch. In an Evolution rematch, The Riott Squad will confront Natalya, Sasha Banks, and Bayley. Corbin likes the manner in which she considers. Joy says she could become accustomed to this.

Kurt Angle's music hits, and the General Manager (who is in fact in the midst of some recreation) advances toward the ring dressed to contend. Point says contending in the WWE World Cup lit a fire in him. A year ago, he has driven Team RAW to triumph at Survivor Series. Edge needs to contend again this year. Corbin says this year, he settles on the choices. Corbin advises Angle to take a lasting get-away. Edge says when he was in control, they settled things in the ring. When he was in control, he'd venture up and content. He should have a match against Corbin? On the off chance that Angle wins, he's not just a piece of the group at Survivor Series yet additionally the group chief. A "YES" serenade starts up. Edge solicits what kind from pioneer Corbin is. Corbin never ventures up. Corbin is a shame to Monday Night RAW. Corbin furiously consents to Angle's stipulations. Edge says the main way Corbin is going to Survivor Series is on braces when he breaks his lower leg. "Gracious it's actual, it's damn valid!"

Natalya, Sasha Banks, and Bayley versus The Riott Squad

Sasha Banks

The Riott Squad assaults Natalya, Banks, and Bayley toward the beginning of the ringer. Natalya clears the ring and counters a Riott Kick into a Sharpshooter. Liv Morgan diverts the official while Sarah Logan hits Natalya. Riott gets a two check. Riott tosses Natalya out of the ring and labels in Logan. Logan assaults Natalya at ringside before tossing her into the blockade. Logan gets her in the ring and gets a two check. Logan applies a jaw bolt, yet Natalya battles up and punches out. Logan rapidly cuts her off and labels in Morgan. Morgan kicks Natalya in the back for a two check. Morgan tosses her out of the ring once more.

braun Strowman

Braun Strowman is strolling backstage searching for Baron Corbin. Strowman goes into the restroom and begins opening slows down, however, Corbin isn't there. Strowman kicks one open and startles a stagehand. The person flees while Strowman snarls.

Jinder Mahal w/Sunil Singh versus Apollo Crews
jinder Mahal

They circle the ring, and Mahal punches him to the corner. Mahal sends him to the corner, however Crews slingshots over him and does a few flips. Teams dropkick him down for one check. Mahal rapidly returns with a jawbreaker, however Crews shoulders him. Sunil Singh occupies Crews, and Mahal clotheslines him for a two-tally. Mahal knees him in the back and applies a jaw bolt. Groups battle out and kick Mahal in the head. Mahal rapidly moves him up for a two-tally. Groups rapidly returned with an enzuigiri before hitting a press pummel. Teams hit a standing moonsault for the win.

Seth Rollins makes his passageway with the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his midsection and the RAW Tag Team Championships on his shoulders. The film is appeared of Dean Ambrose assaulting him in the wake of winning the titles two weeks back. The group drones, "Torch it." Rollins says he anticipated having a trophy with him, yet he didn't win the WWE World Cup. What's more, Baron Corbin, the slime bucket acting General Manager, helped Brock Lesnar recapture the WWE Universal Championship. In the wake of everything Roman Reigns worked to recover the title, that is a slap in the face. A "Roman" serenade gets. It's a slap in the face to him, Roman, everybody in the locker room, and everybody here this evening. He'd advise that to Lesnar's face, however, Lesnar isn't here today around evening time. Rollins wryly considers it a "stunner."

Crude Tag Team Championships – 2-on-1 Handicap Match

Seth Rollins (c) versus AOP w/Drake Maverick

seth Rollins

Seth Rollins will begin against Akam. Rollins gives him a waistlock before keeping away from an elbow. Akam powers Rollins to the corner, and Rezar labels in. Rollins fends them off, yet AOP rapidly brings him down with a twofold group clothesline.

Akam labels back in, and Rollins wards AOP off. Rollins clotheslines Rezar over the best rope and punches away at Akam. Akam turns around a whip, yet Rollins ducks a clothesline and hits a suicide plunge on Rezar. Rollins gets Akam out of the ring and hits a suicide plunge on AOP. Rollins gets Akam in the ring and hits a springboard clothesline. Rollins catches up with a Sling Blade on Rezar. Rollins hits Akam with a blockbuster, yet he can just receive a close fall in return. Drake Maverick yells guidelines from ringside. Rollins begins stepping the tangle. Rollins kicks Akam, yet Rezar clears the feet. Nonconformist was diverting the ref while that occurred. Rollins wards AOP off and superkicks Akam and Rezar. Rollins goes to the best rope and hits Rezar with a frog sprinkle for a close fall. Rollins goes for a Stomp on Rezar, yet Rezar counters with a horrendous powerbomb. Akam labels in, and AOP hits Rollins with a neckbreaker/sit-out powerbomb combo for the win.

The Author of pain'

Dolph Ziggler discusses the WWE World Cup

Dolph Ziggler makes his passageway. In spite of what occurred at WWE World Cup, Shane McMahon isn't the best on the planet since you are taking a gander at the best on the planet. Ziggler says it's normal. Ziggler scratched, mauled, and outworked everybody. At that point, the intrigue kicks in. Drew McIntyre was launched out from ringside before the match begins. At that point, the D-Lister Miz assaulted him from behind while a Smackdown arbitrator viewed on.

Dolph Ziggler versus Elias

Ziggler attempts to wrestle Elias down, yet can't get a stick. Elias battles up, however, Ziggler dropkicks him down. Ziggler rakes his face on the best rope. Elias turns around a whip and interfaces with a back elbow. Elias hits a scoop pummel for a close fall. Elias hits a headlock takeover and keeps the button bolt connected. The group is boisterously reciting for Elias. Ziggler backs Elias into the ropes. Ziggler rapidly elbows him in the jaw and hits a neckbreaker for one tally. Ziggler at that point applies a body extend. Ziggler at that point changes into a button bolt with body scissors. Elias battles out, however, Ziggler keeps him grounded with a jaw bolt. Elias battles up and hits a donkey kick. Elias goes to the best rope, however, Ziggler takes off of the method for a plunging elbow drop.

Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush versus Finn Balor
Finn Balor

The ringer rings, and Lashley thumps Balor before gagging him on the ropes. Lashley kicks Balor and hits a major suplex for a two check. Balor battles back, however, Lashley attempts to stop him. Balor dropkicks him out of the ring and hits the ropes, yet Lio Rush compasses the feet. Lashley punches away at Balor before applying a button bolt. Balor endeavors to battle up, however, Lashley hits him with a neckbreaker. Lashley punches him down in the corner. Balor before long boots him back and maintains a strategic distance from a torrential slide. Balor hits a flying lower arm, yet Lashley doesn't go down. Balor figures out how to get him with a nightfall flip for a two check. Balor rapidly clears the feet and hits a twofold step. Balor cleaves the chest. Lashley rapidly gets him, however, Balor slides off and hits a Sling Blade. Balor charges, yet Lashley violently clotheslines him down. Lashley counters a snap kick with another clothesline.

Drew McIntyre versus Kurt Angle

Before the chime rings, Angle assaults and steps McIntyre down in the corner. The chime rings, and Angle punches and steps McIntyre. McIntyre returns with a Glasgow Kiss to bring Angle down. McIntyre mounts Angle and punches away at him. McIntyre brings Angle down and applies an armbar. Edge battles up, however, McIntyre powers him down. McIntyre keeps the armbar connected, however Angle at long last battles up and punches out. Edge hits the ropes, however, McIntyre grounds him with a back elbow. McIntyre associates with a neckbreaker before returning to the armbar. Edge battles up, so McIntyre places him in the corner and slashes him. McIntyre sends him to the contrary corner and charges, however, Angle moves. Point associates with an Angle Slam, yet McIntyre rapidly takes off of the ring.

الجمعة، 26 أكتوبر 2018

Who will win Universal title at Crown Jewels?

As we saw in the last episode of Raw, Roman Reigns has vacated the Universal title as he is suffering from Leukemia (blood cancer) and for time being he has to left the WWE and he can only come when he has properly overcome this disease. Till that time, Roman Reigns will be out of action. It comes as a shock for everyone in the whole World. When Roman Reigns was telling each and everything about his problem, he even said: "I have been fighting with this disease from the past 11 years and its back to me". Every superstar was supporting him and Roman also said that when I was struggling with this disease 11 years ago, WWE was the team that shown fate in him and help him and makes me help in achieving my dream. He further added this is not a retirement speech because I am coming back home once I whoops the Leukemia Ass, I am coming back home as soon as possible. The important thing is who is gonna won the universal Title at Crown Jewels.

braun strowman     and brock lesnar

As Roman cannot fight so it is one on one battle between Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman. It will make easy for both of them as there is no other person who can fight them. Triple Three is much difficult than single matches. Braun Strowman is very dangerous and he has been after the universal title from past 2 years. So maybe this is the right time to make him a champion or he may be the face of WWE Raw as if now till the time Roman Reigns is not here. But Brock Lesnar is the guy standing between the Universal Title and Braun Strowman. Brock is hungry for regaining his title that he lost to Roman at Summerslam. If you see the head to head record, Then Brock is way ahead than Braun Strowman. But, as we know stats are made to break. Will Braun finally overcome its bad luck and also against the beast.

Brock lesnar

Brock Lesnar is the second person in the WWE who has beaten Braun Strowman. The beast may be more hungry and determined to take back his title at Crown Jewels. This contest is gonna be very Interesting and the prediction is to have a good match between these two. If Brock wins, then he might even win the UFC titles and may become the first person on the earth to do so. It will also be history-making if Braun Strowman wins the title because this will be his first title.

roman reigns

There is another thing that can happen maybe Vince McMahon has planned to create a scene of Roman's health issue so that he can show Roman a good person and after his grand return, He can make him a champion again and also the face of WWE. The reason behind this is Roman is being hated by everyone in USA and Canada. So, It might be the plan . So let's see what happens.

الأحد، 21 أكتوبر 2018

What are latest Raw results?

The Raw started with the entry of Braun Strowman and his team members and was discussing his match at Crown Jewels in Saudi Arabia. As he started his conversation by saying I will beat Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar and will become the new Universal champion. Then, Ziggler started talking by saying Dean was leaving his brothers alone. and he is against his brothers as they are champions but Dean is just nothing.  The Shield's music hit and Roman and Seth come out and they were saying we are brothers and no one can separate us and then Seth said Dean will come and you will see whose side is Dean Ambrose is.  Reigns say they’re worried about Ambrose when they should be worried about these titles. Reigns say they’ll never get close to these titles. After Crown Jewel, Strowman is going to the back of the line. Rollins says he’s always liked Philadelphia not only because of the cheesesteaks, but because it’s a fighting town. Since they’re both out here, they should have their qualifying match right here and now.

Braun Strowman ziggler and Drew mcintyre

WWE World Cup Qualifying Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins
Seth and Drew was fighting it very hard to make it to the WWE World Cup and both were looking to qualify for the tournament and both look very focused as both have the counter of each other moves and no one is getting behind each other and then comes the Dolph Ziggler to help his buddy Drew Mcintyre and Seth was looked in some trouble as Dean Ambrose's music hit and he comes to save his brother and in the end, Seth won the match and qualify for the World cup. Dean looked like as if he stands by his brothers.
The Shield are walking backstage. Seth Rollins says he knew Dean Ambrose would show up. He’s always on Lunatic Time. Ambrose takes exception to being called a lunatic. Ambrose says he’s good for a few laughs until they need bailing out. Ambrose says he’s got a match to focus on and walks off. Rollins and Reigns look confused.
Replay: Triple H and Shawn Michaels reform D-Generation X last week on RAW.
Brother of destruction
Kane and The Undertaker were discussing what they saw on last Monday night Raw. As the D-Generation X is back and they have questioned about our respect. The Undertaker was saying he knows why Shawn Micheals has returned to the ring after almost 9 years and then, Kane said the reason is you, He wants to put you down as you have ended his career as it was a career vs streak match and we will do the same at the Crown Jewels and D-Generation X will see the destruction of Brothers again and after that they will know who we are and Kane closes the discussion.
Ember Moon’s music hits, and she makes her way to the ring alongside Nia Jax. They’ll be in tag team action, next.

Ember Moon and Nia Jax vs. Tamina Snuka and Dana Brooke

nia jax
This is Tamina Snuka’s first match back since the Women’s Royal Rumble. Dana Brooke locks up with Ember Moon. Brooke powers her to the corner and attacks. Moon soon fights back, but Brooke's shoulder blocks her down. Moon kips up and sweeps the legs before rolling her up for one count. Snuka tags in, and she hits a snapmare before applying a chin lock. Moon fights up and whips her off, but Snuka clotheslines her down. Snuka throws her across the ring and taunts Jax, who tags in.

“Rowdy” Ronda Rousey responds to Nikki and Brie Bella

Ronda's music hit and she makes her entrance and look like she was in tears and want to know why Bella Twin's Betrayed her and she just calling out Bella Twin's as she said I need explanation why did they betray her. And the Bella's comes out and said no on like Rousey and everyone likes Bella twin's and Ronda don't deserve to be a champion and Bella's deserve to be champion and then they call out the security, so that Ronda doesn't come close to them and Ronda quite easily take out all the security guards and make the statement.

WWE World Cup Qualifying Match
Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dean ambrose
Dean and Ziggler look good as the match progresses and Dean looks more comfortable as he was on the attack and wanted to win this game but Ziggler was countering each and every move of Dean Ambrose. Then comes the Drew Mcintyre to help his buddy and then comes  Seth Rollins to help his brother and he saved him but Ziggler was quick to hit his finishing move and clinch a win over Dean Ambrose and he was furious as he lost his mind and push Seth and make him angry and looking to leave the arena, But Seth comes after him and push him from behind and said what you want and they both started to fight. Then comes Roman reigns to stop them.
dean ambrose and seth rollins

Finn Balor w/ Bayley vs. Jinder Mahal w/ Alicia Fox and The Singh Brothers

The chime rings and Mahal rapidly hits a scoop hammer for a two check. Samir Singh is back. Mahal applies a jaw bolt and holds it on for a bit. Balor gets out and dropkicks him. Mahal rapidly controls him to the corner, however Balor boots him back. Balor hits a Sling Blade before hitting a dropkick to the corner. Balor hits the Coup de Grace for the win.

Rather than Balor's music hitting, Bobby Lashley's music hits, and he turns out to the ring with Lio Rush close by. Lashley gets in the ring and postures before Balor. Lio Rush says Balor wishes he could look like Lashley. Surge says Lashley looks and scents like cash. Lashley presents on the turnbuckles while Rush talks him up. Lashley will be in real life, next. 

Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush vs. Tyler Breeze

Lio Rush advises the group to surrender it for his man, Bobby Lashley. He endeavors to kick a serenade off, yet the group boisterously boos. The chime rings, yet Rush says Lashley isn't prepared yet. Surge instructs him to hit the group with the cash posture, and Lashley represents a bit. Lashley keeps on presenting while Rush snickers. At last he bolts up with Breeze and powers him to the corner. Lashley presents and goes for a punch, yet Breeze ducks it.

Trish Stratus and Lita talk about their match at Evolution

trish stratus
Trish Stratus and Lita make their entrances, and the two WWE Hall of Famers make their way to the ring. Next Sunday, they’ll take on Alexa Bliss and Mickie James at WWE Evolution. Lita greets her “old friend,” Philadelphia. Lita says it’s good to be back home. One week from Sunday is the first ever all women’s PPV, WWE Evolution.

Alexa Bliss’ music cuts her off, and she comes out to the stage with Mickie James. Bliss says she’s a future Hall of Famer, so she gets Lita, who is a current Hall of Famer. Bliss thinks Lita must be terrified about being humiliated going into Evolution knowing the Goddess will run wild on her. Mickie James acts crazy and imitates Trish Stratus. James claims Stratus knows that James has always been better than her.

“The Conquistador” vs. AOP w/ Drake Maverick

Nobleman Corbin turns out to the phase to watch this match. "Point" moves in the ring before striving for a German Suplex on Akam. Akam receives in return. "Edge" before long goes for an Angle Lock, yet he's thumped out. AOP before long hits him with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo for the win.

Drake Maverick gets in the ring and tells them to take the mask off, but it’s an unknown jobber. Kurt Angle then runs up from behind and hits Corbin with an Angle Slam on the stage. Angle celebrates doing a kooky dance.

Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad vs. Natalya w/ Bayley and Sasha Banks

Natalya takes Riott down, but she’s soon kicked down. Riott slams her down by the hair and picks up a one count. Riott applies a chin lock before taking her down by the hair for a two count. Natalya quickly rolls her up for a two count. Riott comes back with a back elbow for a two count. Riott attacks, but can’t put her away. Natalya slaps her and applies a Sharpshooter, but Sarah Logan chop blocks her.

Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew McIntyre vs. The Shield

the shield
Braun Strowman tells Dolph Ziggler to start the match and show him something. Ziggler starts against Seth Rollins. Ziggler applies a side headlock, but Rollins whips him off and hits a scoop slam. Dean Ambrose tags in, and he hits a low clothesline to Ziggler. Rollins drops an elbow on Ziggler, and Ambrose hits one of his own for a two count. Rollins tags back in, and they take Ziggler down. Ziggler pushes Rollins into Ambrose. Ambrose argues with Rollins. Roman Reigns tags in, and Braun Strowman takes out The Shield.

 Ziggler tags in and hits a snap DDT on Reigns for a near fall. The team of Braun, Ziggler, and Drew was looked into the questioning as Braun has powerslam Ziggler and then Drew attacked Braun Strowman. They look to put the fight between The shield but, now they are in trouble as the war has begun between Braun Strowman, Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre.

الاثنين، 15 أكتوبر 2018

What are the results of Super Show Down in Australia?

For as much as WWE's first raid into Saudi Arabia neglected to convey with the Greatest Royal Rumble this past April, WWE Super Show-Down in Australia on Saturday morning came through in spades. Almost every match on the program played into the present and future storylines, there was a blend of amazement all through the show, and even the headliner - regardless of highlighting four men whose joined age is around 200 - conveyed a decent blend of sentimentality and stun considering the manner in which the consummation was reserved.  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
super show down

The 10-coordinate card likewise highlighted a major title change, another No. 1 contender for the WWE title and one of WWE's best matches of the year when AJ Styles safeguarded that very title against Samoa Joe. In addition, Ronda Rousey, the Bella Twins, John Cena and more were in real life on Saturday morning. CBS Sports was with you the whole way Saturday morning refreshing this story with the most recent outcomes, investigation, evaluations and features from the show. Look at them underneath.

WWE Super Showdown recap, grades

The new day
SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- The New Day (c) def. The Bar via pinfall to retain the titles: A hot method to open the show with the fan-top choices coming through to keep the lashes. Despite the fact that it was anything but a long match and there was never a minute in which one idea The Bar may really win the titles, it was loaded up with activity all through. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston collaborated for a traitor, twofold footstep from the best rope to gain the 1-2-3.  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
SmackDown Women's Championship -- Charlotte Flair def. Becky Lynch (c) via disqualification:
becky lynch
 The jam was solidly in Lynch's camp all through this match, and she unquestionably began off as the assailant. Pizazz escaped an early Dis-Arm-Her endeavor and in the long run hit a couple of lances on Lynch, neither of which brought about a fall. Late in the match, Lynch used a run of the mill heel strategy and chose to leave the ring, get her title and stroll to the back. Be that as it may, Flair halted her and hauled Lynch once again into the ring with the title holding tight the smock. Minutes after the fact as Flair secured Lynch Figure Eight, the hero got her title and whipped it onto Flair for the DQ. Style endeavored to assault Lynch after the match as retaliation, however, Lynch turned the tables and hit Flair with the Beck-exploder suplex and left standing tall.  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
John Cena & Bobby Lashley def. Elias & Kevin Owens via pinfall: 

john cena and Bobby lasley
You know precisely how this played out. Elias and Owens opened on the receiver amidst the ring before Lashley and after that, a thinned down Cena turned out. After a short torrent of offense from the foot rear areas, Lashley and Cena assumed control with Cena, in the long run, hitting his Attitude Adjustment and new "6th move of fate" finisher - a back clench hand to the head - for the 1-2-3 on Elias.  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
The IIconics def. Asuka & Naomi via pinfall: The main residence group got an awakening applause from the fans upon their passage as it quickly turned out to be certain that The IIconics were going over. When they could expel Asuka from the ring and put her down outside, Peyton Royce hit a major boot on Naomi, who was raised by Billie Kaye, for the victory.s  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
WWE Championship -- AJ Styles (c) def. Samoa Joe via submission to retain the title (No Disqualification, No Countout): 
Aj styles

This one was an animal dwelling place burner. Styles and Joe assaulted each other on the passageway way and started fighting outside the ring before the match inevitably started. There was an ideal blend of in-ring wrestling and severity all through. Joe was the first to present a weapon by bringing Styles down with a uranage through a steel seat, yet Styles recuperated and hammered Joe in reverse through a table the challenger had set up in the ring. It was now that Joe started offering a harmed knee, which Styles assaulted for the rest of the match. Two endeavors to submit Styles by means of the Coquina Clutch were unsuccessful by Joe, who additionally endeavored his departed Muscle Buster just to see his knee give out. The two at that point flashed back to Hell in a Cell with the equivalent Coquina Clutch sticking mix, yet Joe kicked out. Styles quickly secured in the Calf Crusher, and similarly as Joe was going after the rope, his harmed leg gave out so he tapped. This is all that we needed in a match between these two, and keeping in mind that there was absolutely room left for it to go to another level altogether, it's hard to grumble about it thinking about the nature of wrestling and the story told all through.  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
Ronda Rousey & The Bella Twins def. The Riott Squad via submission: Rousey got a fantastic passage in a similar city where her UFC undefeated streak reached an end. After the Bellas stood aside and enabled the attention to be on Rousey, the boss and Nikki Bella contended about who should begin the match. As a gesture to fans, Liv Morgan booted Brie Bella right in the face when they were in the ring together. The Riott Squad spent the vast majority of the match warding off the Bellas from labeling Rousey, who in the long run got the hot tag and cleaned house with arm hauls, hip tosses, compasses, strikes, and suplexes. Rousey had Sarah Logan segregated for the armbar, however, Morgan split it up; as they endeavored to twofold group her, Rousey got their arms, flipped the two ladies over and secured them a betray armbar for the accommodation. The match was professional all things considering, and the complete was positively fun. Heaps of credit here for a match that over-conveyed.  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
Cruiserweight Championship -- Buddy Murphy def. Cedric Alexander (c) via pinfall to win the title:
Buddy murphy

Despite the fact that a few wrestlers did not have the place where they grew up declared, (for example, The IIconics prior), WWE clarified that Murphy was a Melbourne item on his way to the ring. He got a strong response on his way into the ring conveying the Australian banner yet at the same time played the foot rear area affronting Alexander with a phony handshake to begin the match. The pace was hot from the begin with Murphy hitting various high-flying moves yet just ready to get a two-tally. Alexander paralyzed the group with a Michinoku Driver from the best rope and a stage through Flatliner through the ropes, yet he was not able to underwrite with a fall. A sit-down powerbomb from Murphy gave him a 2.8, so Alexander immediately replied back with a standing Spanish Fly and his Lumbar Check yet was stunned when Murphy kicked out at 2.9. Murphy reacted by getting a flying Alexander with a knee and hitting his Murphy's Law finisher for the 1-2-3 to end up the primary Australian to hold a singles title in WWE history.
The Shield def. Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre via pinfall:  
The shield
The Shield entered through the group wearing Bane-like covers and commanded the early segment of the match; be that as it may, as they endeavored to drive Strowman through the report table with their mark triple powerbomb, the adversaries ruined the move and exploited, separating Rollins for an expansive bit of the match. After his partners took out whatever remains of the Shield, Strowman really moved to the best rope and endeavored a sprinkle on an inclined Rollins, just to miss not surprisingly. This gave an opening to Rollins to label Ambrose, who cleaned house a bit, however, got taken out by McIntyre. Rules, in the end, got the hot tag and endeavored to hit the Superman Punch on McIntyre, however, he moved and Reigns nailed Ambrose with it rather, thumping his Shield colleague off the ring cover. Rules at that point avoided a running Strowman, who dove through the turnbuckles and hit the Superman Punch on McIntyre just for him to take off of the ring. With Reigns and Rollins in the ring, all of a sudden every one of the four sides was encompassed by their rivals and Ambrose. It looked like Ambrose may assault Reigns and Rollins, yet he rather charged Strowman. With McIntyre, the lawful man and every other person down outside, the Shield arranged to hit the triple powerbomb just for Strowman to skewer the four men and thump everybody down.  The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
dean ambrose
Strowman at that point bear handled Reigns and Rollins outside the ring and called for Ambrose outside after Ambrose kicked out of Ziggler's Zig-Zag. Be that as it may, as Strowman charged Ambrose to bring him down, Reigns showed up unexpectedly to stick Strowman through the ringside boundary and into the group. Ziggler and McIntyre at that point hauled Ambrose into the ring for their finisher, yet Rollins superkicked McIntyre outside the ring and Ambrose hit Dirty Deeds on Ziggler for the 1-2-3. The match left a great deal to be wanted and hauled now and again, yet the complete was electric and very much reserved with Ambrose getting the pivotal turning point. 
Daniel Bryan def. The Miz via pinfall to become the No. 1 contender for the WWE championship: Miz endeavored to slice a promotion to open the match, however, Bryan's music intruded on him before he could talk. Soon after the match began, Miz endeavored to beat Bryan with his very own running knee yet was unsuccessful. Miz at that point attempted his Skull-Crushing Finale, yet Bryan turned around it into an inside support for the 1-2-3. It resembled Miz's left shoulder was up toward the end, and the group was totally stunned that the session finished in 2:25. There was not really a response to Bryan winning as Miz thrashed the arbitrator sometime later. All things considered, it is nice looking to have Bryan's solitary prevail upon Miz up to this point be in this mold, as it keeps Miz furious and makes a requirement for him to meddle in the prospective title coordinate, propping the quarrel up. The results of Super Show Down in Australia.
Triple H (w/ Shawn Michaels) def. The Undertaker (w/ Kane) via pinfall: The match started an unexpected declaration that it would be challenged under no-exclusion rules. Triple H and Taker learned about one another and demonstrated how comfortable they were with each other's turn set toward the beginner. Taker endeavored to go for Old School just for Triple H to split it up and endeavor it himself before Taker inevitably hit it. Michaels got included early while the contenders were outside the ring, running Taker into the ring post and helping Triple H set a table up. Kane attempted to stop it yet was mysteriously moved away by the official. The warriors at that point moved into the group with Triple H taking various huge knocks. Michaels filled in as both a companion and mentor all through the match, regularly whispering into Triple H's ear when given the chance. Taker later reacted to the before impedance by striking Michaels to push him far from the activity. As Taker set up Triple H on the table, Michaels endeavored to meddle on the ring overskirt just to be booted off by Taker. Triple H utilized a steel seat to prevent Taker from plunging outside of the ring, yet as he went to strike once more, Kane hauled him out of the squared circle. Michaels at that point hit Sweet Chin Music on Kane, laying him on the table before Triple H dove off the ring cover with an elbow drop to thump Kane out. 
the undertaker, triple h, shawn micheals and kane
At the point when Triple H returned the ring with the seat, Taker got him with a chokeslam and afterward the Tombstone Piledriver, however, Triple H kicked out at 2.9. Now, Taker thumped out official Mike Chioda - probably for his check - got a steel seat and hit Triple H with it on numerous occasions as he requested Michaels watch. Taker at that point set Triple H's head inside the seat, so Michaels bounced to the ring cover and begged him for benevolence. When Taker turned his back, Michaels endeavored to get included however Taker smacked him. Triple H reacted with a spinebuster and not long after a Pedigree. With another arbitrator in the ring, Triple H additionally got a 2.9 tally, which the group completely expected as it didn't respond. Triple H at that point folded a similar seat over Taker's neck and hit a step from the best rope, however similarly as he was going to get a three forget about, Kane pulled the arbitrator of the ring. Michaels recovered Triple H's heavy hammer as Kane pushed a seat into Taker's hand, and the two sat in inverse corners gazing at one another. Triple H penetrated Taker with a heavy hammer into the seat into his head and secured his adversary, however, no arbitrator was accessible totally. Taker at that point submitted Triple H in Hell's Gate, yet Triple H - heavy hammer close by - started gagging Taker with it until the two fell over depleted. Disorder followed from that point with each of the four men getting included. Michaels hit Taker with Sweet Chin Music, Triple H hit him with a heavy hammer, Michaels hit Sweet Chin Music again and Triple H hit the Pedigree for the 1-2-3 to win. The results of Super Show Down in Australia.

Will Roman Reigns retain his title at Smackdown live ?

 From the past few weeks, we have saw that Cesaro is been trying to chase the Universal Champion, but Roman Reigns has not given response to...