‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات tHE ROCK. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات tHE ROCK. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الأحد، 2 ديسمبر 2018

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018?

Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre, and RAW's GM-Elect, Baron Corbin were in the ring as RAW commenced. They referenced that they were appreciative for the beating that Strowman got at their hands a week ago. Stroman showed up on the Titantron and he was in the healing facility anticipating medical procedure for a broken elbow. He guaranteed that once he has returned to full well-being, he would wreck the three. 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Corbin said that it was improbable that Braun would have the capacity to confront him at TLC and referenced being the changeless GM of RAW as the light went out for Elias' passageway. Elias had a match with Lashley and had kept in touch with him a melody. 
Elias versus Bobby Lashley 
Elias handled a couple of slashes from the get-go before Lashley took control and went for an early stick however it was just a 2 check. Elias handled a kick, sending Lashley outside and afterward hit a baseball slide. Lashley recuperated and tossed Elias into the ropes. 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Elias hit a dropkick and more cleaves before Lashley tossed him outside. Mcintyre nearly got included before Lashley sent Elias into the ring post. Elias hit a knee to the head and a flying elbow however Rush hauled the ref out of the ring before the three tally

gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Senior member Ambrose was back and was getting a checkup and said that the group of on lookers were all vermins and referenced a mess of maladies including Ebola that he could get from the group. He got a shot from the specialist to immunize himself while saying that he will put Rollins out of his hopelessness. 
Lucha House Party versus The Revival - Lucha House Rules 
Gran Metalik and Dash Wilder commenced the match and the luchadors nearly got an early pinfall. Dawson was in and hit a couple of huge moves previously Kalisto and Dawson were the lawful men. The luchadors went for brisk finishers including a senton and got the fast triumph with the chances to support them while Dawson was stuck in the corner unfit to spare his accomplice from the stick. 
Rousey gets trapped 
Nia Jax was out with Tamina after the match and said that she was appreciative for breaking Becky Lynch's face. She at that point ridiculed Rousey while posting her very own achievements. Rousey intruded on the discourse and made her passage. Rousey destroyed on Nia for a bit before testing her to coordinate.

gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Nia came up with some senseless rationalization while Rousey prepared for an assault. Natalya turned out to help Rousey however was trapped by the Riott Squad before she could achieve the ring. Rousey withdrew with her harmed companion and Nia and Tamina were still in the ring as the section finished. 
AOP (c) versus Bobby Roode and Chad Gable - RAW Tag Team Championship coordinate 
Akam and Roode commenced the match while Drake Maverick had Roode's $10k Robe in his ownership. Peak came in with a best rope move and Rezar was labeled in too. Peak utilized the ropes for an armbar before Rezar countered a twofold group move. 
Free thinker wore Roode's robe and went up to the phase to ridicule him before vanishing backstage with it as Roode looked on from the ring. peak was taken out by Akam as we came back from advertisements and Rezar was labeled in. 
Roode and Rezar were in the ring as Maverick showed up on the Titantron and he was in the restroom with Roode's robe. He tossed the robe into the latrine and continued to urinate on it with Roode viewing with sickening dread. AOP hit their twofold finisher and finished the match with a triumph. 
Result: AOP def. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable to hold the RAW Tag Team Championship 
Coal Moon (with Curt Hawkins) versus Alicia Fox (with Jinder Mahal) 
Alicia Fox began off solid and hit a swinging neck breaker, keeping the weight on Ember as the match went on. Coal countered an accommodation move and hit a major suplex off the best rope pursued by the Eclipse for a fast triumph. Hawkins began praising like it was him who won as No Way Jose made his passage, line dance close by. Ash and Hawkins participate on the festival as we broke again for ads. 
Jinder Mahal versus No chance Jose 
We came back from advertisements to see this match officially in progress. Jose went for an early rollup and took a boot to the face. Jinder had Jose in a wrestling hold before hitting an elbow and knees to the head. Jose ate a suplex and got a close fall before being captured in a wrestler's hold once more. 
Jose hit a major crossbody off the ropes and after that a gigantic suplex. Jinder recouped and hit the Khallas for the win. 
Seth Rollins (c) versus Dolph Ziggler - Intercontinental Championship coordinate 
Ziggler put the champ in a wrestling hold, Rollins handled an arm drag and clotheslined the previous champ outside the ring as we headed into a business break. Again from the break, Ziggler had Rollins in a wrestling hold as the group recited for "Monday Night Rollins". 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Ziggler strove for a superplex from the best rope yet was pushed down. Rollins went for the frog sprinkle, however, Ziggler moved out. Ziggler handled a Famouser, however Rollins by one way or another kicked out. Ziggler countered and got a move up, however, Rollins just kicked out. Rollins then handled a kick to the essence of Ziggler for a close fall. 
Sasha Banks and Bayley Q&A 
Alexa Bliss commenced the Q&A session and picked a young lady from the gathering of people in a Rousey shirt who asked what they would do to change to RAW Women's division. Sasha said she would dispatch Alexa back to SmackDown. 
Alexa made a decent attempt to turn them against one another however when that fizzled, Dana Brooke, Mickie James, and Alicia Fox assaulted the label group from behind. Sasha and Bayley fended the three aggressors off as Alexa withdrew and the section was finished. 
Finn Balor versus Noble Corbin and Drew McIntyre 
Balor emptied on Corbin from the get-go yet Corbin backed things off with a headlock. Balor hit a colossal dropkick pursued by a major commencement the smock as we set out toward advertisements. 
We came back to see Balor on the floor outside as Corbin drove him into the blockades again and again. Balor went for a springboard move yet Corbin struck him down on the overskirt. Corbin hit a clothesline for a two tally. Balor hit a twofold step after a major counter. Finn hit a slingblade yet took a Deep Six for a close fall. 
gossipdaily-  the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Balor hit a twofold dropkick yet missed the Coupe de Grace as Corbin ran out and announced that the match was changed to a 2 on 1 cripple coordinate with Drew McIntyre as Corbin's accomplice. 
Balor jumped off the ropes and hit McIntyre with a plunge and after that a colossal dropkick to Corbin, disposing of him. McIntyre hit the Claymore subsequent to taking Finn back to the ring and got the pinfall. 
Bobby Lashley made his passage and every one of the three hit their finishers on Finn, crushing the previous Universal Champion.

السبت، 29 سبتمبر 2018

What are the matches in the Super-show-Down?

WWE Super Show-Down on Saturday, Oct. 6. at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, seems to be one of the organization's most special pay-per-sees in a very long time. The occasion is being charged as highlighting the "biggest list of WWE hotshots and legends ever to show up" in Australia, and the card has just been manufactured exceedingly well with a lot of time until the show itself.

Not exclusively will Triple H and The Undertaker clash in one of the show's headliners, yet in addition, charged for the occasion are Ronda Rousey, Shawn Michaels, Shane McMahon, and The Big Show, the last three of which have not been on WWE regularly starting late. Michaels has not wrestled since his formal retirement coordinate but rather has been vigorously associated with the quarrel between his closest companion and Taker.

Undertaker, triple h and the shield

Preceding this occasion, the biggest WWE indicate held in Australia was Global Warming in 2002, yet the organization unmistakably hopes to outperform the 56,743 that went to that show as this current stadium's ability is recorded at 100,024 - not including a great many potential floor seats at "The G."

While the occasion will stream live on the WWE Network and air worldwide on pay-per-see, the begin time is recorded at 6 p.m. AEST, which means it will be communicated at 4 a.m. ET.

WWE Super Show-Down matches

The undertaker and triple h

Triple H versus The Undertaker: These two covered the brought forth back at WrestleMania 28 with Michaels as the uncommon visitor official. They are re-trying the match now in Australia, however, it is obscure whether Michaels will have a job. This has been the most intensely advanced counterpart for Super Show-Down, so one marvels whether it will end up in the headliner spot.

The Shield versus Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre: This point was set up about a month and a half early after a match on Raw in which Strowman turned foot rear area on Reigns. Following the no-challenge complete at Hell in a Cell between the two, this is currently full-speed ahead.

WWE Championship - AJ Styles (c) versus Samoa Joe (No Disqualification): This match was reserved before Styles and Joe conflicted at Hell in a Cell. Styles held their indisputable form, and SmackDown general administrator Paige acknowledged Joe's interest for a rematch with this stipulation.

Ronda and riott squad

Ronda Rousey and The Bella Twins versus The Riott Squad: Another multi-individual counterpart for the show without quite a bit of a work right now, however that should change sooner rather than later. Nikki Bella has been grabbing prevails upon the Riott Squad, however, Rousey has been occupied with Alexa Bliss.

Daniel Bryan versus The Miz (No. 1 Contendership): Also reported preceding Hell in a Cell, Bryan and Miz will fight for the No. 1 contendership to Styles' WWE title. It will be the third formal match in their fight, which is required to stretch out maybe to WrestleMania 35.

SmackDown Women's Championship - Becky Lynch (c) versus Charlotte Flair: This match was reported before Hell in a Cell, however, the jobs were turned around with Flair entering the show as champion. Regardless of whether WWE will at present run with this match on the card with Evolution fourteen days after the fact stays to be seen.

John Cena and Bobby Lashley versus Kevin Owens and Elias: There has been definitely no storyline work for this match, and we have not seen Cena on TV in months. Owens has begun something with Lashley, however, the others have not figured in starting at yet.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship - New Day (c) versus The Bar: Despite not winning both of two label group No. 1 contendership competitions, The Bar was given this match at Hell in a Cell after New Day beat Rusev Day on the kickoff appear. Puzzling.

Asuka and Naomi versus The IIconics: The blending of Asuka and Naomi occurred all of a sudden, yet the clothing the two wear positively coordinate. Their fight with the IIconics just started on SmackDown and ought to create as we advance toward Australia.

Cruiserweight Championship - Cedric Alexander (c) versus Pal Murphy: In the place where he grew up of Melbourne, Murphy will get his second split at Alexander and the cruiserweight title. This might be the best chance to expel the title from Alexander while making a paramount minute with Murphy's win all the while.

السبت، 1 سبتمبر 2018

Can we see a match between Roman Reigns and The Rock at Wrestlemania 35?

WWE has been planning to have a match between Roman Reigns and The Rock at Wrestlemania 35. It would a big blockbuster in the main event of Wrestlemania. Roman Reigns will defend his Universal title at Wrestlemania, so that means WWE will not take the title from Reigns until the Wrestlemania or maybe a chance that WWE wanted Roman to win against the crowd favourite and the best of all time The Rock. As everyone knows Roman Reigns is a cousin of the Rock. It will be a good fight to watch on. Roman has been the most profiled wrestler at the current time and some of the people believe Roman is the best wrestler that WWE has ever had. This can be true even because he has achieved so much in his short career till now. He has opened his Grandslam which means he had all the championship which WWE is having.  On the other hand, The Rock is the best of his time.

WWE doesn't need any fued to act on. This is possible because it is a family fued and WWE don't need to make it or scripted it, but they need promos from both the wrestlers. And we all know The Rock is the best one to give promos with his influential attitude and can make a good promo even if the WWE universe is not supporting him because he is damn good in doing these things. The Rock is very good at insulting people and he is so good that it looks like that the realistic environment is going on. It will be a big question in the mind of WWE universe that whether WWE wanted to go with the star face Roman Reigns as the winner of the Main event at Wrestlemania or will it be The Rock. 

We all know this thing that WWE has a habit of giving surprises to its WWE fans. So it will be good to see what WWE plans to do at Wrestlemania. As it is just an assumption based on the venue of the Wrestlemania that has been decided as yet at New York. So we can see WWE make win The Rock and then Roman will take his title or a rematch in the next pay-per-view. WWE can even make win Roman and send The Rock to the Smackdown for a new face for a championship or the No.1 Contender for the title. It will be possible if The Rock is returning to WWE as the full-timer, not the part-timer. So, can we see a match between Roman Reigns and The Rock at WrestleMania 35.

The Rock wanted to come back to the WWE and wanted to work for them. He has said this in his recent interview and he would love to be full-time in the WWE and work for them. Reigns recently established himself as WWE's No. 1 merchandise mover and is the biggest star in the company among full-timers, while The Rock's social media prowess has made him one of the most recognizable names in pop culture. It will be good if The shield attacks The Rock to make this fight more interesting.

As we know, all WWE universe loves The Rock and everyone must be knowing if The Rock is coming back and he must be coming for a long time period and let's see whether it is rumour or a match between Roman Reigns and The Rock at Wrestlemania 35.

Will Roman Reigns retain his title at Smackdown live ?

 From the past few weeks, we have saw that Cesaro is been trying to chase the Universal Champion, but Roman Reigns has not given response to...