الأحد، 21 أكتوبر 2018

What are latest Raw results?

The Raw started with the entry of Braun Strowman and his team members and was discussing his match at Crown Jewels in Saudi Arabia. As he started his conversation by saying I will beat Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar and will become the new Universal champion. Then, Ziggler started talking by saying Dean was leaving his brothers alone. and he is against his brothers as they are champions but Dean is just nothing.  The Shield's music hit and Roman and Seth come out and they were saying we are brothers and no one can separate us and then Seth said Dean will come and you will see whose side is Dean Ambrose is.  Reigns say they’re worried about Ambrose when they should be worried about these titles. Reigns say they’ll never get close to these titles. After Crown Jewel, Strowman is going to the back of the line. Rollins says he’s always liked Philadelphia not only because of the cheesesteaks, but because it’s a fighting town. Since they’re both out here, they should have their qualifying match right here and now.

Braun Strowman ziggler and Drew mcintyre

WWE World Cup Qualifying Match
Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins
Seth and Drew was fighting it very hard to make it to the WWE World Cup and both were looking to qualify for the tournament and both look very focused as both have the counter of each other moves and no one is getting behind each other and then comes the Dolph Ziggler to help his buddy Drew Mcintyre and Seth was looked in some trouble as Dean Ambrose's music hit and he comes to save his brother and in the end, Seth won the match and qualify for the World cup. Dean looked like as if he stands by his brothers.
The Shield are walking backstage. Seth Rollins says he knew Dean Ambrose would show up. He’s always on Lunatic Time. Ambrose takes exception to being called a lunatic. Ambrose says he’s good for a few laughs until they need bailing out. Ambrose says he’s got a match to focus on and walks off. Rollins and Reigns look confused.
Replay: Triple H and Shawn Michaels reform D-Generation X last week on RAW.
Brother of destruction
Kane and The Undertaker were discussing what they saw on last Monday night Raw. As the D-Generation X is back and they have questioned about our respect. The Undertaker was saying he knows why Shawn Micheals has returned to the ring after almost 9 years and then, Kane said the reason is you, He wants to put you down as you have ended his career as it was a career vs streak match and we will do the same at the Crown Jewels and D-Generation X will see the destruction of Brothers again and after that they will know who we are and Kane closes the discussion.
Ember Moon’s music hits, and she makes her way to the ring alongside Nia Jax. They’ll be in tag team action, next.

Ember Moon and Nia Jax vs. Tamina Snuka and Dana Brooke

nia jax
This is Tamina Snuka’s first match back since the Women’s Royal Rumble. Dana Brooke locks up with Ember Moon. Brooke powers her to the corner and attacks. Moon soon fights back, but Brooke's shoulder blocks her down. Moon kips up and sweeps the legs before rolling her up for one count. Snuka tags in, and she hits a snapmare before applying a chin lock. Moon fights up and whips her off, but Snuka clotheslines her down. Snuka throws her across the ring and taunts Jax, who tags in.

“Rowdy” Ronda Rousey responds to Nikki and Brie Bella

Ronda's music hit and she makes her entrance and look like she was in tears and want to know why Bella Twin's Betrayed her and she just calling out Bella Twin's as she said I need explanation why did they betray her. And the Bella's comes out and said no on like Rousey and everyone likes Bella twin's and Ronda don't deserve to be a champion and Bella's deserve to be champion and then they call out the security, so that Ronda doesn't come close to them and Ronda quite easily take out all the security guards and make the statement.

WWE World Cup Qualifying Match
Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dean ambrose
Dean and Ziggler look good as the match progresses and Dean looks more comfortable as he was on the attack and wanted to win this game but Ziggler was countering each and every move of Dean Ambrose. Then comes the Drew Mcintyre to help his buddy and then comes  Seth Rollins to help his brother and he saved him but Ziggler was quick to hit his finishing move and clinch a win over Dean Ambrose and he was furious as he lost his mind and push Seth and make him angry and looking to leave the arena, But Seth comes after him and push him from behind and said what you want and they both started to fight. Then comes Roman reigns to stop them.
dean ambrose and seth rollins

Finn Balor w/ Bayley vs. Jinder Mahal w/ Alicia Fox and The Singh Brothers

The chime rings and Mahal rapidly hits a scoop hammer for a two check. Samir Singh is back. Mahal applies a jaw bolt and holds it on for a bit. Balor gets out and dropkicks him. Mahal rapidly controls him to the corner, however Balor boots him back. Balor hits a Sling Blade before hitting a dropkick to the corner. Balor hits the Coup de Grace for the win.

Rather than Balor's music hitting, Bobby Lashley's music hits, and he turns out to the ring with Lio Rush close by. Lashley gets in the ring and postures before Balor. Lio Rush says Balor wishes he could look like Lashley. Surge says Lashley looks and scents like cash. Lashley presents on the turnbuckles while Rush talks him up. Lashley will be in real life, next. 

Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush vs. Tyler Breeze

Lio Rush advises the group to surrender it for his man, Bobby Lashley. He endeavors to kick a serenade off, yet the group boisterously boos. The chime rings, yet Rush says Lashley isn't prepared yet. Surge instructs him to hit the group with the cash posture, and Lashley represents a bit. Lashley keeps on presenting while Rush snickers. At last he bolts up with Breeze and powers him to the corner. Lashley presents and goes for a punch, yet Breeze ducks it.

Trish Stratus and Lita talk about their match at Evolution

trish stratus
Trish Stratus and Lita make their entrances, and the two WWE Hall of Famers make their way to the ring. Next Sunday, they’ll take on Alexa Bliss and Mickie James at WWE Evolution. Lita greets her “old friend,” Philadelphia. Lita says it’s good to be back home. One week from Sunday is the first ever all women’s PPV, WWE Evolution.

Alexa Bliss’ music cuts her off, and she comes out to the stage with Mickie James. Bliss says she’s a future Hall of Famer, so she gets Lita, who is a current Hall of Famer. Bliss thinks Lita must be terrified about being humiliated going into Evolution knowing the Goddess will run wild on her. Mickie James acts crazy and imitates Trish Stratus. James claims Stratus knows that James has always been better than her.

“The Conquistador” vs. AOP w/ Drake Maverick

Nobleman Corbin turns out to the phase to watch this match. "Point" moves in the ring before striving for a German Suplex on Akam. Akam receives in return. "Edge" before long goes for an Angle Lock, yet he's thumped out. AOP before long hits him with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo for the win.

Drake Maverick gets in the ring and tells them to take the mask off, but it’s an unknown jobber. Kurt Angle then runs up from behind and hits Corbin with an Angle Slam on the stage. Angle celebrates doing a kooky dance.

Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad vs. Natalya w/ Bayley and Sasha Banks

Natalya takes Riott down, but she’s soon kicked down. Riott slams her down by the hair and picks up a one count. Riott applies a chin lock before taking her down by the hair for a two count. Natalya quickly rolls her up for a two count. Riott comes back with a back elbow for a two count. Riott attacks, but can’t put her away. Natalya slaps her and applies a Sharpshooter, but Sarah Logan chop blocks her.

Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew McIntyre vs. The Shield

the shield
Braun Strowman tells Dolph Ziggler to start the match and show him something. Ziggler starts against Seth Rollins. Ziggler applies a side headlock, but Rollins whips him off and hits a scoop slam. Dean Ambrose tags in, and he hits a low clothesline to Ziggler. Rollins drops an elbow on Ziggler, and Ambrose hits one of his own for a two count. Rollins tags back in, and they take Ziggler down. Ziggler pushes Rollins into Ambrose. Ambrose argues with Rollins. Roman Reigns tags in, and Braun Strowman takes out The Shield.

 Ziggler tags in and hits a snap DDT on Reigns for a near fall. The team of Braun, Ziggler, and Drew was looked into the questioning as Braun has powerslam Ziggler and then Drew attacked Braun Strowman. They look to put the fight between The shield but, now they are in trouble as the war has begun between Braun Strowman, Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre.

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