The show begins with the entrance of Braun Strowman and accompanied him by Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre with all the smiles on their faces. This is how the Latest WWE Raw results begin.
Since the Monster in the bank, Braun Strowman becomes the heel of the show, the show becomes more entertaining and people are enjoying the show. As Braun Strowman was looking to say something, he tells the WWE Universe. I would like to show you something and he shows the beating of the shield. And he further added Roman Reigns will be saved his title until his brothers are helping him and saving him from me, but inside hell in a cell, no one can save him and I'm going to take back the title which is mine. Then Dolph and Drew also present their views about what happened in the last week Raw.
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Then the shield arrives and the temporary Raw Manager Corbin sends all the Raw roster to separate these 6 superstars from each other. But the shield started attacking all the superstars and then they stop them from the fight and then Corbin arrested the shield so that there should be no more problems and another reason is Corbin do not want that any of the wrestlers get injured.
Bella Twins (Brie & Nikki Bella) vs. Riott Squad (Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan)
Nikki and Liv start, Bella rushes Morgan and she hides in the ropes before making the tag to Logan. Collar and elbow, Sarah backs her into the ropes for forearms, Nikki with a waistlock, leg pick into a cover, only good for one and she follows it up by wrenching her arm into an arm wringer and grabbing an armbar. Arm drag, cover gets one again, fireman’s carry, Logan slips out and hits a mat slam as an equalizer.
Back and forth knees, going for a dive but Sarah fakes her out and Bella gets tripped up and suckered to the floor for a beating as we go to break. so, The latest WWE Raw results show Bella Twins wins via pinfall. This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
Bobby Roode & Chad Gable vs. the Ascension (Konnor & Victor)
Gable and Viktor to start, Chad with an exploder suplex out the gates, another one, a German suplex for Konnor when he runs in and one for his partner as well! Another for Konnor for good measure, tag to Roode, he smashes Viktor’s face into the turnbuckles, chop, straight suplex gets a near fall. Konnor tags in, isolating Bobby with boots in the corner, tag back, double-team strikes get a near fall and Viktor grabs a reverse chin lock. This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
Back from commercial, Elias is in the ring to sing us a song.
He speaks about his song and he was singing that he hates those woman who hit men and talking about Trish and he also added WWE means Walk-With-Elias and he further added he has found very difficult to select the song for today. This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
He runs Columbus down before launching into his usual schtick and beginning to play the song.
Natalya vs Alexa Bliss
Natalya vs Alexa Bliss
Collar and elbow, Natalya with a side headlock takeover, Bliss reverse to a headscissors, Nattie slips out and gives chase but Alexa hugs the bottom rope for safety. Back to the lockup, Neidhart with an arm wringer, Bliss reverses, Nattie rolls through, hammerlock, reversed, fireman’s carry takeover into an armbar but Alexa gets away and into the ropes again.
DDT connects, Alexa looks to make a statement and points at Rousey before locking an armbar on Neidhart! Wrenching it in...
DDT connects, Alexa looks to make a statement and points at Rousey before locking an armbar on Neidhart! Wrenching it in...
Ronda rushes into the ring to check on her friend’s arm only for Bliss to try and cheap shot her! Fox makes the save and Rousey's arm drags her multiple times to dump her to the floor! Alexa slides in, chop block, to the floor, throwing her into the steps, back in the ring, Ronda firing back with punches and she runs Bliss off before checking on Neidhart again.This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre vs. the B-Team (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel) (c) (WWE Raw Tag Team Championship)
McIntyre and Axel to start, Drew clears Dallas from the apron and drops Curtis with a lariat! Belly-to-belly suplex, tag to Ziggler, Bo with a low-bridge, Axel with an O’Connor roll... NOPE! Backslide comes up empty, leg pick, Dolph kicks him off, tag to Dallas, off the ropes with a freight train axehandle! Clothesline sends Ziggler to the floor, they clear McIntyre out the same way and we go to break., McIntyre is in control with a kneeling armbar on Dallas. He escapes, off the ropes into a slam, only good for two and Drew draws him to his knees for a chop. Straight suplex, and back to the kneeling armbar. Bo tries to fight out and gets thrown into the corner as McIntyre tags Ziggler in. Jawing and piefacing him, but Dallas fights back with right hands and in the end Drew just kicked him on the face and end the match. This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
DRAKE MAVERICK is walking backstage with the Authors of Pain, all kitted up in matching gear?!
Commentary again brings up Connor’s Cure and we get a video package featuring a young superstar named Super Messiah that sends us to break.
Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar) vs. Jimmy James & Keith Thompson
This match ended quite early and it is just a practice match for Authors of pain as they give Super Collider on red trunks and that it the match is over.
Authors of Pain win by pinfall with Super Collider on red trunks.
Shawn Micheals comes to the ring and he just talks about The deadman and triple h. He says these two superstars are the best one. Then, he talked about the previous match between these and he says The deadman has won that, but in last few years, The Undertaker started losing and he is not a deadman and I am with my Buddy Triple H this time. Then come the Undertaker and he said you're afraid of me and many wrestlers come back from their Retirement and make a dream match but you never come back do you know the reason why because you afraid of me and that's why you quit WWE back and never come back and he said the same I m gonna do with your buddy Triple H and he left the ring with the brave statement. This is what the latest WWE raw results shows.Boss & Hug Connection (Bayley & Sasha Banks) vs. Dana Brooke & Ember Moon
Brooke and Bayley to start, collar and elbow, Hugger with a side headlock, whip, tag to Banks. Double-team shove into the corner, snapmare, off the ropes with a sliding elbow, Meteora, and Dana rolls to the floor to confer with Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews as we go to break. This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
Bobby Lashley makes his entrance.
Jinder and Sunil Singh was meditating as Bobby Lasley comes out and talk to both of them back and Jinder was telling Lasley to do the meditation with them. Is this the trap for Lasley as he was doing meditation with them. Kevin comes and attacks Bobby Lasley from behind and he attacks him so hard that he cannot recover and then Kevin was so angry as he was looking to kill him. Last week, he says he is leaving WWE and now he is attcking Bobby Lasley so hard. What is going in the mind of Kevin Owens?This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
We have another Shield update, they’ve posted bail and been released on their own recognizance.Braun Strowman vs. Finn Balor
Corbin has cheated Finn Balor as he was expecting the match between him and Corbin. But, corbin has set the match between Braun Strowman and Finn. It will be very difficult for Finn to beat the monster in a one-one match. Braun Strowman has been the more dangerous ever before as he punishes all the shield members as they are the most dominant group in the history of WWE. Finn started well against the monster and he looks to make an impact against the monster. But he was caught and Strowman attacks him and gave him the running powerslam to finish the match. But Strowman isn't finished yet as he powerslam him again and the tag team champions are with him and Braun was looking to give running powerslam on the steel stairs, but then comes the sound of the police van and Braun and the group get distracted and they see the police van in which the shield was taken away from the building and Roman Reigns was driving the vehicle and he then releases his brothers and looking to attack Braun and company, but they don't realize as The group of Raw roster members attack them from behind and making them pay for all they did 2 weeks back. But Braun wants to kill the big dog as he powerslam him and hit him with the steel stairs and Seth and dean all were getting the best beating of their life as in the end Strowman just make a signature sign of the shield. This is what happened at the latest WWE Raw results.
They drop the Shield together at ringside and Strowman, McIntyre, and Ziggler stand tall in the ring.
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