Sunday 5 August 2018

Who are the top 5 all-time great wrestlers?

Wrestling is one of the most loved and entertaining sports in the world. When we talk about wrestling, the first thing comes to our mind is WWE. WWE has provided the right platform for all the super-athlete who want to make a career in WWE or Wrestling. As a fan, I always love to see these superstars giving their best and the way they present their finishing move to end the match, the power each superstar generates. These athletes are so versatile and flexible that they can even get a chance in Hollywood for movies, UFC, and even politics. As a fan, It always makes me engaging and makes me talk about these wrestlers and power athletes. There are so many athletes or you can say superstars of WWE. But, there are the top 5 all-time great wrestlers from my point of view.

The top 5 all-time great wrestlers :

#1 Stone Cold Steve Austin

steve cold

Steve cold (Formerly Steve James Anderson, now) Steve Austin. Steve Austin is, financially speaking, the biggest WWE superstar of all time. He was a bigger star than John Cena, The Undertaker, The Rock and Hulk Hogan. Austin’s influence on pro wrestling can be seen not only in WWE’s financial success but also in how it influenced storylines and characters for years to come.  Steve Cold is one of those wrestlers who has been very dynamic in their performances and always looks to kept fight till the end. Steve cold is a real person who can never judge from his stunts that it is scripted or fixed. He shows it so real that everyone believes it is a real fight. Steve cold promos, storyline and everything looks so real that why he has so many fans all over the world. Some people say he is the best wrestlers. So, he is one of the top 5 all-time great wrestlers. 

#2 The Undertaker

The Undertaker

In terms of respect, love, and longevity, no one can match the Deadman- The Undertaker. He has been the most loved personality in WWE.  Even the locker room superstars also love and respect his approach and never said anything bad about the Undertaker. When you say WWE, one thing comes to our mind is The Undertaker. He has a 19 match consecutive win streak at Wrestlemania and it comes after every 1 year. So this record of consecutive victories cannot be broken in the next 100 years. The Undertaker has left a legacy behind him and everyone knows the importance of it. The Undertaker streak has been broken by Brock Lesnar and made it to 19-1 and then after a few years Roman Reigns has beaten the Undertaker and made it to 23-2. Undertaker has been a most dominant force in the entire WWE. Everything about The Undertaker makes him a legendary figure in wrestling history: his gimmick, matches, entrance, rivalries, streak, and contributions to wrestling history have all been so profound that if WWE were to host his own retirement PPV, it would sell out like WrestleMania does. That many people would want to see the Undertaker retire formally So he is one of the top 5 all-time great wrestlers.

#3 The Rock

The Rock

The Rock was the most charismatic wrestler of all time. Everything he did had the audience cheering for him so wildly and loudly that at times you couldn’t hear him speaking into a microphone. The audience loved him that much. He is very good with his promos, storyline and everything. The Rock was outstanding with the mic, the likes of which WWE hasn’t managed to find since. He found immense success as a heel, and over time his promo style became so incredibly popular that the audience simply could not boo him no matter what he said. On one occasion, The Rock was in Toronto and the audience kept cheering him, but the intent was for him to get booed. So he came up with some great lines and just make it to the crowd. This is the thing Roch does well. He is one of the top5 all-time great wrestlers.

#4. John Cena

John Cena
John Cena is the biggest success story of WWE of the past 15 years. He debuted in 2002, John Cena has been the perfect example of what WWE wants from their wrestlers. he has been promoting WWE in non-wrestling ventures and spending less time in the world title scene. he is the most loved personality all over the world and he is 16-time world heavyweight champion and he also equals the record of the great Ric Flair. And even today no one can give better promos than him. He is a crowd favorite and he is been loved all over the world. After his success in WWE, he got roles in movies and even he spent less time in WWE nowadays, but still, he is the most popular star in WWE. He is one of the top 5 all-time great wrestlers
#5. Triple H

Triple h
Triple is one of the biggest superstars of WWE. He is the founding father of D-Generation X and helped mastermind the series of events that would lead to the Attitude Era. He is 14-time world heavyweight champion and he is also known as the game, King of the ring and many more. Right now, He is the CEO of WWE. That aside, Triple H had the look, the drawing power, and the reputation to keep WWE relevant long after the Attitude Era ended. There’s no doubt that Triple H would’ve become a multi-time world champion even if he hadn’t married Stephanie McMahon. He was, and still is, that… damn… good. He is one of the top 5 all-time great wrestlers.

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