Wednesday 22 August 2018

What are the latest Raw results?

The show started with the entrance of the newly crowned Universal champion Roman Reigns. While soaking the atmosphere at Brooklyn. He said," He's the man of his words". He further added, I said I beat Brock Lesnar at Summerslam so I did what I said. He opens the challenge for everyone in the locker room who so ever want to step-up can come out here and challenge me for the Universal Title. There is one man who is in my mind, who has won the title. But left the title due to injury, so I thought he deserves an opportunity i.e., Finn Balor.

Finn Balor and Roman Reigns

Then Balor comes and says I accept your challenge. Then, The constable Corbin comes and says that is not gonna happen and he further added about his match with Balor and he wants to have a match with Balor tonight. then Roman and Finn were making fun of him and then comes the Raw General Manager, he says Roman and Finn are gonna have a match in the main event and he also added 'Corbin you also having the match with this guy ' i.e Bobby Lasley. This what shows the latest Raw results.

Constable Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Lashley

bobby Lasley and Baron Corbin

As the match started, Bobby was dominating the match from the starting, but Corbin has fought out with him and gave him the good fight. Both the superstar has tried them all the move to beat one another. Corbin has been a good wrestler and was able to give Bobby a doubt in his mind what should I do next to beat him. This match goes around 20-25 mins duration and Corbin has been pretty good in the later of the match and in the end,  Bobby gave his superior movement and won the match easily. Corbin was standing in the ring with disappointment. This shows the latest Raw results.

Boss & Hug Connection (Bayley & Sasha Banks) & Ember Moon vs. Riott Squad (Liv Morgan, Ruby Riott, & Sarah Logan)

Banks and Riott to start, Sasha with right hands into a Lou Thesz Press and mounted punches before taking her into the corner and tagging Bayley in. Putting boots to Ruby, quick tag to Moon, pinning predicament comes up empty and she gets away to tag Logan in. Ember beats on her and lets a primal scream loose, basement superkick gets a near fall! Underhooks, the match breaks down, Boss & Hug Connection with cross bodies off the apron and Moon hits a suicide dive and in the end, Ruby gave Sasha a kick and end the match. This shows the latest Raw results.

Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre

Dean Ambrose comes with his fellow-mate Seth Rollins. Dean has dominated the most the match. we had seen a different Dean which we had never seen before. Dean was showing his power and intensity that we had never seen and has all the answers to the move of Dolph Ziggler. Dolph has the sleeper hold locked on but Dean is struggling to his feet. Kick to the knee from Ziggler to keep the momentum, disdainful slaps, jawing at Ambrose, but Dean levels him with a pair of vicious lariats! Whip across, big knee lift, putting boots to him at the corner and forcing referee Chad Patton to peel him off!  Seth was helping him as Mcintyre looking to distract Dean Ambrose and Seth says him mind your business ok ok. Dolph and Drew attack Seth and then comes Dean to help him and  Dean has counter all the moves of Dolph Ziggler and in the end, Dean has given him Dirty Deeds and end the match with 1-2-3. this shows the latest Raw results.

Curt Hawkins vs. Elias

Schoolboy for two almost ends the streak! Elias gets a knee off in return and takes his shirt off! Right hand, throw him into the corner, whip across, lariat, elbow drop, only two! Hawkins with a crucifix, almost does it, duck the lariat, palm strike into punches, whip, flying forearm, lariat, big dropkick, “You can do it!” chants! Out and back in, the Drifter cuts him off with a shot to the chest, leg hook. Elias won the match via pinfall. This shows the latest Raw results

Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar) vs. Titus Worldwide (Apollo Crews & Titus O’Neil)

Akam has been the dominator in the match if I talk about this match Rezar with a bear hug in on O’Neil, wrenching it in as Titus tries to escape. Tag to Akam, clubbing blows, O’Neil gets a straight suplex off for some separation! Crawling, tag made, Crews in hot, clear the apron, Akam clobbers him from behind with a northern lariat! Tag to Rezar, double back suplex facebuster for a near fall! Drawing him up, half-hatch applied, suffocating the life out of Apollo. O'Neil has trying his best to win the match and gave a good fight to the Authors of Pain. In the end, Authors of pain wins and that must be the end o the chapter. This shows the latest Raw results.


Stephanie makes her way to the ring. She was surrounded by most of the women superstars around the ring. As Stephanie was saying something, She was interrupted by Ronda Rousey- the new women's champion. Stephanie was trying to appreciate her. But she was just making fun of Stephanie as she said where were u here, we don't need u. why u talking all the credit of my victory and in the end, she broke her arm by giving arm lock and Stephanie was almost into the cry.

Curtis Axel vs. Dash Wilder

The B-Team
Wilder working a backbreaker submission as we return, off the ropes, sunset flip from Axel, only two. Front kick, off the ropes, Dash hits a fireman’s carry backbreaker for two! Back to the backbreaker submission, into slugging it out, Curtis getting momentum with lariats into a dropkick, corner elbow, running neck snap, neck breaker denied but Axel gets the boot up on a charge. Axel doesn't look so confident on fighting individual as Wilder was dominating the match with his best moves, It was looking like Axel is a kid in front of him.  He gives nobody home on the diving double axehandle, Wilder with a Gory Special. Dasher won the match via pinfall. this shows the latest Raw results.

Roman Reigns is interviewed backstage. He says Finn Balor deserves this opportunity and he’s been waiting a long time, but he’s gonna lose and go to the back of the line. Braun Strowman can stand there like a meat shack all he wants, it doesn’t matter-- it’s his yard and he’ll always be ready.

Finn Balor vs. Roman Reigns (c) (WWE Universal Championship) 

The ShieldAt the start of the match, Roman Reigns was throwing Balor here and there. Once the Balor get the opening, He started dominating the match. But in the crunch moments, Roman was able to make good moves and able to counter Finn's moves. Finn almost won the match but Roman was able to kick-out the pinfall. Then, he superman punch Finn Balor and then goes for the pin. But, Finn was able to kick-out. When he was going for a spear, then suddenly Braun Strowman comes out and that distract Roman and Finn was taking advantage but at the last moment Roman spears Finn Balor and retain the Universal title. But Strowman has cash in money in the bank contract. But at the right time, the shield brother comes and started attacking Braun Strowman. Then Dean says let's go fora triple powerbombs, But Strowmanhas countered the move and in the end, Roman spears him and goes the powerbomb again on the table and at last, It shows the hound of justice is back. This shows the latest Raw results. 

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