Monday 24 December 2018

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018?

He plays a couple of bars instrumentally before propelling into his typical spiel about strolling and such. He says it's fitting that he's opening up the Christmas Eve Raw, in light of the fact that during this season there are three certainties that pursue everybody - tranquility on earth, altruism to his individual man, and WWE represents stroll with Elias. He at that point says he will give us the endowment of beating and mortifying Bobby Lashley today around evening time, yet first he has the best present, a unique Elias Christmas tune, for us all. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Bobby Lashley versus Elias (Miracle on 34th Street Fight) 

Hovering, Lashley in with a takedown into grounded punches before crushing Elias confront first into the turnbuckles and putting boots to him. Clubbing blows into a swinging neckbreaker, Bob goes for more face-crushing into shoulder pushes to pursue that, overhead elbow, lower arms and kicks into a gag, Whip over, Drifter up and over to the cook's garment yet he gets clobbered down with a lower arm.

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Bringing Elias into the corner, setting him up best, maneuvering for position, searching for a superplex however the Drifter squares... What's more, LASHLEY TAKES A FOREARM THAT KNOCKS HIM INTO THE LEGO! Stunning to his feet, following Elias at ringside and he gets a face brimming with CO2 out of a fire douser! Off the ropes... What's more, LIO RUSH GETS KNOCKED OFF THE APRON AND THROUGH A TABLE! Knee to the face, discharge quencher shot, stepping without end and Elias takes care of business a knocking down some pins ball out of one of the presents. 

He squares it up and tosses... STRIKE RIGHT IN THE GENTLEMAN'S AREA! The Drifter gets into another present and gets a cello out! Cello to the back... 

Elias wins by pinfall with a cello shot to the back. 

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable (c) versus the Revival (WWE Raw Tag Team Championship) 

More stunning and Roode to begin, hovering, Dawson with the diversion for a student and Bobby abandons away! Waistlock, Dash switches to a wristlock and labels Scott in. Roo with a kick, a slash, tag to Gable, more hacks, twofold stir into a Stinger sprinkle and a Poetry in Motion monkey flip... Probably not! Chad on him with an armbar, stooping into it, Dawson counters with a bunch of hair and gets him in the corner for punches and slashes! 

Peak needs the tag, he gets it, Bobby sets it up yet Dash push shim into the corner. Chad with the moonsault, he arrives on his feet... Mayhem THEORY CONNECTS BUT DAWSON BREAKS THE PIN UP! Scott labels in, whip to the corner, up and over into a nightfall flip for two! Rana stick from Dawson outta no place, just two, jackknfe from Gable turned around into a break faith endeavor, switched, Wilder labels in, uppercut German suplex into a crossing over stick... ROODE WITH THE SAVE! 

Going for a helped suplex, Bobby with the spare, Chad thinks quick... 

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable win by pinfall by method for Gable switching a suplex into a little bundle on Scott Dawson to hold the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship. 

Dolph Ziggler gets a handcam promotion where he identifies things he merits, as Shane McMahon giving him the Best in the World trophy, a Netflix extraordinary, and evidence that he's simply that damn great. 

Drew McIntyre makes his passageway, and we go to break before his match can start. 

Dolph Ziggler versus Drew McIntyre versus Finn Balor 

Circumnavigating, Balor and Ziggler both surge in and McIntyre takes them out. Terminating hacks off, attracting Dolph up the corner, Finn gets his boots up and Ziggler gets an elbow. Balor with a flying lower arm, off the ropes, another, Drew as yet standing yet stunned, impermanent union and McIntyre gets clotheslined to the floor! Dolph in charge, right hands, scratching Finn's face over the best rope. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Balor gets a kick yet takes the Fameasser, McIntyre can get a kick and hoss Dolph around... Altered Alabama Slam places Ziggler into Finn however can't put Balor away! Squaring Finn up, lying in pause... SLING BLADE! Finn with some extravagant avoidance, gamengiri interfaces, up finish and Ziggler cuts him off! Searching for the enormous DDT, Drew throws him off yet Dolph lands a headbutt and a superkick... Deathblow BREAKS IT UP! 

Started up, rope sends McIntyre to the floor, shotgun dropkick for Ziggler, up best... 

Finn Balor wins by pinfall with the Coup de Grace on Dolph Ziggler. 

Alicia Fox, Dana Brooke, and Mickie James versus Supervisor and Hug Connection (Bayley and Sasha Banks) and Ember Moon 

Moon and James to begin, Ember with a speedy student for a nearfall, neckline and elbow, Mickie with a wristlock. Moon inverts, gets a punch into a kick combo yet James evades the last one and falls off the ropes for a kick for her very own nearfall. Coal pushes her off, kip-up headscissors takeover and a tag to Fox. Moon cuts her off with a kick, off the ropes... suicide jump on Mickie! 

Tossing James back inside for reasons unknown, Alicia runs Ember over and we go to break. 

Hugger in hot, knee to the head into a Saito suplex before clearing the overskirt and charging in for a shoulder push. Back move, tube man... cut off with a lasso! Tag to Mickie, charging in, Hot Shot and a tag to Sasha! Knees in the corner, headed up best and Meteora associates somewhat free however Fox splits it up! Coal hits Eclipse on Alicia, the Boss goes for the lungblower yet James kicks her off. 

Tag to Bayley, lungblower sets it up... 

Manager and Hug Connection and Ember Moon win by pinfall with the Bayley-to-Belly from Bayley on Mickie James. 

The Riott Squad hit the ring after the match and beat our victors down, dumping them out of the ring for an early notice of how the Royal Rumble functions. 

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer couldn't discover him a way to the Universal Championship, and all Strowman will get from Santa Claus is one major chunk of coal, and at the Royal Rumble- - 


Enter Braun Strowman. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

He gets in Heyman's face while Paul asks off, wishing him different merry Christmas. Braun hauls out a red nose and tusks and puts them on him, calling him Paul Heyman, the Red-Nosed Advocate and saying he has a message for him to reclaim to Brock. At the Royal Rumble he'll be recuperated up and Lesnar will get These Hands! 

A recap of the occasions that lead to today around evening time's WWE Raw Women's Championship coordinate follows. 

Natalya versus Ronda Rousey (c) (WWE Raw Women's Championship) 

Orbiting, side headlock takeover from Natalya, headscissors counter, turned around, stalemate. Back to hovering, moving for position, Rousey with the takeover this time and Neidhart turns around to a cross stick for one. Ronda back at it with a wristlock, Nattie turns around, side headlock takeover, shot off, bear square gets two. Neckline and elbow, Neidhart with a leg pick into a front chancery and Rousey turns around to a hammerlock. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Pick the legs, cross them over yet Rousey battles out of it... PIPER'S PIT! Getting the arm, a miserable look all over, dithering and Neidhart inverts into the Sharpshooter amidst the ring! Ripping at, scratching, slithering, coming to, Natalya hauls her back to the focal point of the ring! Losing her grasp as Ronda creeps and reaches and figures out how to move to her back, pick the leg to counter, snatch the arm... 

Ronda Rousey wins by accommodation with the cross armbar to hold the WWE Raw Women's Championship. 

Rousey draws her companion up and they grasp before official Chad Patton presents her the title. Ronda holds both the title and Nattie's hand up high. 

Senior member Ambrose gets a promotion in a dim room where he wishes Seth Rollins fortunes in his match against Baron Corbin this evening. Or on the other hand well, not by any stretch of the imagination, he wishes him what he merits, the simple trick that most likely still has confidence in Santa that he is. This year Dean got the present he merits, the Intercontinental Championship, and envision the lousy Christmas Seth'll have in the event that he loses today. 

Heath Slater versus Jinder Mahal 

Neckline and elbow, Mahal with a wristlock, twisting it in yet Slater turns around. Jinder with a back elbow, cleave, whip over, enormous back elbow from the Modern-Day Maharaja into a straight suplex for two. Three-quarter nelson, slip into a turn around chinlock when Heath gets to his feet the distance and... HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS THROUGH THE CROWD! 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Mahal confronts holler at the fat tangle, Slater exploits with a superkick... also, the Singh Brothers hit the ring for the beatdown. 

Heath Slater wins by preclusion. 

Santa Clause gets in the ring and asks Jinder and his young men to stop since it's Christmas, and they really oblige him... Santa Clause TAKES MAHAL OUT WITH A LARIAT AND DUMPS THE SINGH BROTHERS TO THE FLOOR! Santa Clause WANTS A GORE... Gut! IT WAS RHYNO THE ENTIRE TIME! 

Magnificence and the Man-Beast embrace and offer a snapshot of occasion fraternity. 

Backstage, the B-Team is

as yet singing and are some way or another on the 42nd day of Christmas. Hailing, Bo breakdown and Curtis goes along with him as they go out brimming with Christmas cheer to send us to break. 

Seth influences his passageway and us to go to break before the match can start 

Baron Corbin versus Seth Rollins 

Rollins out hot, punches and hacks, backing Corbin into the corner and driving ref John Cone to pull him off. A nobleman with a knee, off the ropes, Seth furnishes a proportional payback, clotheslines him to the floor and hits a suicide plunge! Drawing him up, right hand, pacing after the Lone Wolf, slash, crushing his face into .the overskirt yet around the bend Corbin figures out how to slam him into the cook's garment and tosses him back in. 

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Boot up on the charge, up and over, spring up countered... Bird of prey ARROW BUT HE CANNOT DO THE DEAL! Tuning up the band as Corbin rises, superkick to the waist, Blackout dodged... Profound SIX CAN'T KEEP ROLLINS DOWN! Placing Seth in the corner, setting him up best, right hands, manoeuvring for position and strikes send Rollins folding to the smock. 

Enzuigiri associates, springboard... Gotten INTO THE CHOKEBREAKER BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH! End of Days blocked, little bundle... Nearly! Avoid the charge, shoulder to post, move through, Avada Kedavra, out of the corner... 

Seth Rollins wins by pinfall with Blackout. 

Rollins celebrates while discourse wishes us a Merry Christmas.

What are the latest results of Raw on 24 december 2018-gossipdaily

Sunday 16 December 2018

What are the results of WWE Tlc ?

The last occasion on WWE's 2018 pay-per-see timetable here is as TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs are set to occur Sunday night in San Jose, California. In what is commonly one of WWE's most engaging demonstrates every year, this release of TLC highlights 12 - truly, 12! - matches, huge numbers of which will use tricks including tables, steps, seats - or each of the three.

With only a couple of days to go until the point when TLC comes to us live, how about we investigate how the card during the current year's occasion has formed out. TLC will start with a kickoff appear at 6 p.m. ET before the principle card begins one hour later at 7 p.m. CBS Sports will cover TLC on Sunday, so make certain to look at our live blog, sneak peeks and considerably more. 
Likewise, remember to tune in to our sound see of TLC from the In This Corner with Brian Campbell web recording, and make certain to buy in at the connection in the player beneath. We will have a moment investigation following WWE TLC on Sunday night. 
2018 WWE TLC matches 
WWE Championship - Daniel Bryan (c) versus AJ Styles
What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

 Styles is expected a rematch for the WWE title against Bryan after the last's stunning heel turn finished his more than one-year title rule, and he will get only that at TLC. The session was reported on the post-Survivor Series release of SmackDown Live, and of course, these two in-ring commanders going one-on-one ought to be a treat to help end the year. 
SmackDown Women's Championship - Becky Lynch (c) versus Charlotte Flair versus Asuka (TLC coordinate): 

What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

Thankfully, Lynch will return activity from her wounds at TLC to protect her title. In an incredible intriguing turn, she'll be protecting against two ladies in this TLC coordinate, with Flair being skilled the shot from Paige and Asuka winning her way in by means of a fight imperial win on SmackDown. 
Crude Women's Championship - Ronda Rousey (c) versus Nia Jax: 
What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

With her triumph in the fight imperial at Evolution, Jax earned the privilege to test Rousey for the Raw ladies' title. Rousey and Jax had a to some degree engaging match with each other back at Money in the Bank before the money in of Alexa Bliss, and with Jax solidly assuming the heel job starting late, that should add another dynamic to a session with the prevailing Raw ladies' champ. After Jax, Rousey has promised to return to her issues with SmackDown Live's very own Charlotte Flair following the severe occurrence that occurred at Survivor Series. 
Intercontinental Championship - Seth Rollins (c) versus Dean Ambrose
What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

 Survivor Series hadn't finished before we discovered that these two would go at one another out of the blue since Ambrose turned on Shield sibling Rollins in the wake of catching the Raw label group titles as of late. Rollins was educated in a backstage portion following his triumph over United States champion Shinsuke Nakamura that he would at long last have the capacity to get his hands on Ambrose, and he appeared to be fairly excited about the up and coming title protection. 
Braun Strowman versus Baron Corbin (TLC coordinate)
What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

Strowman's arrangement with Raw chief Stephanie McMahon came through; in addition to the fact that he got this match, he got the opportunity to pick the stipulation. Yet, two different stipulations accompany this match too. (1) If Strowman wins, he gets the chance to confront Brock Lesnar for the general title at the Royal Rumble (McMahon recently guaranteed he could pick a stipulation for that, as well), and Corbin gets deprived of his interval control. (2) If Corbin wins, he turns out to be the full-time general supervisor of Raw. 
SmackDown Tag Team Championship - The Bar (c) versus The Usos versus New Day: The label group scene on the blue brand has been quite strong generally, however, these three groups being in the blend in some shape or mold is turning into somewhat tedious. Ideally, some fresh recruits are infused as 2019 hits. 
Finn Balor versus Drew McIntyre: The animosity has been bubbling over between these two amid late weeks on Raw and it'll come full circle in them squaring off at TLC. This will be a skirmish of two men who ought to be solidly dug in the general title scene one year from now on Monday evenings. 
Elias versus Bobby Lashley (Ladder Match)
What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

 Elias and Lashley have been butting heads recently, with Lio Rush having his impact of the instigator to flawlessness. This quarrel has been helping the reason, however, of getting Elias over as another enormous babyface, so a triumph over the beast that is Lashley could demonstrate another positive development. Amid Monday's go-home Raw, it was declared that this resentment session would now be a Ladder Match, with a guitar hanging over the ring that could be put to use by whichever man grasps it first. 
Natalya versus Ruby Riott (Tables Match): Riott has been in excess of a thistle in the side of Natalya as of late on Raw, so it just bodes well that they meet in a fierce match on a card that invites such a session. 
Randy Orton versus Rey Mysterio (Chairs Match)
What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

Just five days before TLC, it was reported on SmackDown that these two would take their unpleasant competition to the PPV as a seat coordinate. Mysterio squandered no time in getting ready for the session, bushwhacking Orton from behind with a seat as he was cutting a promotion on the match. 
WWE Cruiserweight Championship - Buddy Murphy (c) versus Cedric Alexander: Last week on 205 Live, it was uncovered that previous hero Alexander would be next in line for the shot at Murphy and the purple title. On Monday, general administrator Drake Maverick made the match official for TLC. This will, obviously, be another staggering session between these two. The main inquiry currently moves toward becoming whether the cruiserweight title will get the fundamental show respect for the second PPV consecutively, or in the event that it will be consigned back to the kickoff. 
WWE Mixed Match Challenge Final - R-Truth and Carmella versus Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox
What are the results of WWE Tlc ?-gossipdaily

The victors of this match, which closes a months-in length competition, won't just win an all-costs paid get-away yet, in addition, get the No. 30 spot in the people's Royal Rumble one month from now. 

Monday 10 December 2018

What can be the results of Tables, Ladders and Chairs?

The following pay-per-see (PPV) on the WWE plan is the TLC occasion set to occur on Sun., Dec. 16, 2018, at the SAP Center in San Jose, California. This is the organization's yearly grandstand playing off the well-known Tables, Ladders, and Chairs contrivance coordinate that surprised the master wrestling world in the mid-2000s.

We're only multi-week out from showtime and the card resembles this:

Ronda Rousey (c) versus Nia Jax (Raw ladies' title)
What can be the results of Tables, Ladders and Chairs- gossipdaily

Jax won a fight illustrious at Evolution, winning a title shot all the while. This is the place she gets it.

Becky Lynch (c) versus Charlotte Flair versus Asuka (SmackDown ladies' title)

This would have been a singles coordinate until the ladies of SmackDown Live crusaded and were reserved in a fight imperial, with the champ acquiring section. Asuka won by last taking out Sonya Deville. This will likewise be a TLC coordinate.

Seth Rollins (c) versus Senior member Ambrose (Intercontinental title)

What can be the results of Tables, Ladders and Chairs- gossipdaily

Ambrose turned on Rollins that night Roman Reigns reported he was leaving to battle malignant growth. They lost the Raw label group titles not long after and are currently involved in a bloody fight. Ambrose is frightened of becoming ill.

Daniel Bryan (c) versus AJ Styles (WWE title)

Bryan won the title by turning foot rear area and kicking Styles in the nuts. This is the rematch. The story here is that Bryan has changed and Styles has to turn into a supporting character in it.

The Bar (c) versus The Usos versus The New Day (SmackDown label group title)

Both The Usos and The New Day have scored non-title prevails upon The Bar as of late, so they both get a shot at the titles here.

Braun Strowman versus Nobleman Corbin (TLC coordinate)

There is plenty of stipulations impacting everything here, and that is expecting the match occurs at all considering Strowman simply had elbow medical procedure. On the off chance that Corbin wins, he'll be Raw General Manager on a full-time premise. On the off chance that he loses, he has returned to being only a customary wrestler. On the off chance that Strowman wins, he'll get a Universal title shot against Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble. Strowman is talking like he'll be there, and all signs point to that being the situation.

Finn Balor versus Drew McIntyre

What can be the results of Tables, Ladders and Chairs- gossipdaily

This was declared simply a week ago, and proceeds with a program they've been dealing with TV.

Elias versus Bobby Lashley

This was likewise reported simply a week agoand furthermore proceeds with a program they've been taking a shot at TV. Elias, incidentally, does not have a PPV win in 2018.

Natalya versus Ruby Riott

This will be a Tables coordinate.

This is the place the Mixed Match Challenge 2 last will happen, where the victors gain passage number 30 in their particular Royal Rumble matches.

Friday 7 December 2018

When Roman Reigns is returning to WWE?

This is a most trending topic right now when we talk about WWE and especially the Raw program. Each and every WWE fan is just looking to just get a hint or a news that when is Roman Reigns is returning. As we all know it's on Roman's Health condition if he fits soon than he will be returning to the ring as soon as possible. Roman is running his Raw brand on its own as he is the face of WWE. He has a different impact on the roster. When he left the WWE due to its problem i.e. leukemia, he said I m gonna come back very soon to show myself that I can fight leukemia and I will be back at WWE very soon. Till now, there is no one who can replace this man. So, The chairman may be looking to get him back as soon as possible.

When Roman Reigns is returning to WWE-gossipdaily

What is the thinking of people of watching WWE Raw without Roman Reigns?

Most of the people think that there is no impact of Roman Reigns even if he leaves the WWE. As we all know the news comes quite shocking and no one expecting the news that we hear as Roman Reigns leaving WWE due to leukemia. But as we all have listened, the show must go on. So, WWE has been trying to make someone the face that runs the place. But, till now they are not able to find the substitute of Roman Reigns. After this result, the shield has been broken badly as Dean Ambrose turns the heel and attacking his brother Seth Rollins and making him pay for his brotherhood. And after some days, He also said Roman is getting what he deserves. And most of the fan feels Roman reigns is the reason why there is no interest in WWE right now. Roman has been such a big factor that every fan has been missing in the WWE.
When Roman Reigns is returning to WWE-gossipdaily

What is the Prediction of Roman Reigns Return?

As per Doctors report, Roman Reigns will be returning to the ring next year. But it is not clear what is the exact date when Roman is making his first appearance to the ring. But, Some experts have given the hint that Roman may return to the ring may be at Money in the Bank. As they believe Doctors have said Roman need at least 6 months -1 year to recover. But some say He may come back at Royal Rumble that is in the month of January and Roman is also making his presence felt at the awards on 15 January with so many more superstar who has been nominated for the show. So that will make clear when Roman Reigns is returning that would be a blockbuster return.

When Roman Reigns is returning to WWE-gossipdaily

When Roman will return according to WWE fans?
According to the fans, Roman Reigns will be returning to ring at Royal Rumble 2019. Some even believe that he is not having any problem it is just to get sympathy for him because of people not like him in some parts of USA and Canada. So let's see what is the reason whether it is leukemia or it is just a story to have some sympathy from the fans. But he has been loved by all the people whether it is the USA, Canada, India or any other country. He has been treated as the Undertaker. So let's see when he is returning to WWE ring. We need to support him.

Sunday 2 December 2018

What are the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018?

Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre, and RAW's GM-Elect, Baron Corbin were in the ring as RAW commenced. They referenced that they were appreciative for the beating that Strowman got at their hands a week ago. Stroman showed up on the Titantron and he was in the healing facility anticipating medical procedure for a broken elbow. He guaranteed that once he has returned to full well-being, he would wreck the three. 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Corbin said that it was improbable that Braun would have the capacity to confront him at TLC and referenced being the changeless GM of RAW as the light went out for Elias' passageway. Elias had a match with Lashley and had kept in touch with him a melody. 
Elias versus Bobby Lashley 
Elias handled a couple of slashes from the get-go before Lashley took control and went for an early stick however it was just a 2 check. Elias handled a kick, sending Lashley outside and afterward hit a baseball slide. Lashley recuperated and tossed Elias into the ropes. 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Elias hit a dropkick and more cleaves before Lashley tossed him outside. Mcintyre nearly got included before Lashley sent Elias into the ring post. Elias hit a knee to the head and a flying elbow however Rush hauled the ref out of the ring before the three tally

gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Senior member Ambrose was back and was getting a checkup and said that the group of on lookers were all vermins and referenced a mess of maladies including Ebola that he could get from the group. He got a shot from the specialist to immunize himself while saying that he will put Rollins out of his hopelessness. 
Lucha House Party versus The Revival - Lucha House Rules 
Gran Metalik and Dash Wilder commenced the match and the luchadors nearly got an early pinfall. Dawson was in and hit a couple of huge moves previously Kalisto and Dawson were the lawful men. The luchadors went for brisk finishers including a senton and got the fast triumph with the chances to support them while Dawson was stuck in the corner unfit to spare his accomplice from the stick. 
Rousey gets trapped 
Nia Jax was out with Tamina after the match and said that she was appreciative for breaking Becky Lynch's face. She at that point ridiculed Rousey while posting her very own achievements. Rousey intruded on the discourse and made her passage. Rousey destroyed on Nia for a bit before testing her to coordinate.

gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Nia came up with some senseless rationalization while Rousey prepared for an assault. Natalya turned out to help Rousey however was trapped by the Riott Squad before she could achieve the ring. Rousey withdrew with her harmed companion and Nia and Tamina were still in the ring as the section finished. 
AOP (c) versus Bobby Roode and Chad Gable - RAW Tag Team Championship coordinate 
Akam and Roode commenced the match while Drake Maverick had Roode's $10k Robe in his ownership. Peak came in with a best rope move and Rezar was labeled in too. Peak utilized the ropes for an armbar before Rezar countered a twofold group move. 
Free thinker wore Roode's robe and went up to the phase to ridicule him before vanishing backstage with it as Roode looked on from the ring. peak was taken out by Akam as we came back from advertisements and Rezar was labeled in. 
Roode and Rezar were in the ring as Maverick showed up on the Titantron and he was in the restroom with Roode's robe. He tossed the robe into the latrine and continued to urinate on it with Roode viewing with sickening dread. AOP hit their twofold finisher and finished the match with a triumph. 
Result: AOP def. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable to hold the RAW Tag Team Championship 
Coal Moon (with Curt Hawkins) versus Alicia Fox (with Jinder Mahal) 
Alicia Fox began off solid and hit a swinging neck breaker, keeping the weight on Ember as the match went on. Coal countered an accommodation move and hit a major suplex off the best rope pursued by the Eclipse for a fast triumph. Hawkins began praising like it was him who won as No Way Jose made his passage, line dance close by. Ash and Hawkins participate on the festival as we broke again for ads. 
Jinder Mahal versus No chance Jose 
We came back from advertisements to see this match officially in progress. Jose went for an early rollup and took a boot to the face. Jinder had Jose in a wrestling hold before hitting an elbow and knees to the head. Jose ate a suplex and got a close fall before being captured in a wrestler's hold once more. 
Jose hit a major crossbody off the ropes and after that a gigantic suplex. Jinder recouped and hit the Khallas for the win. 
Seth Rollins (c) versus Dolph Ziggler - Intercontinental Championship coordinate 
Ziggler put the champ in a wrestling hold, Rollins handled an arm drag and clotheslined the previous champ outside the ring as we headed into a business break. Again from the break, Ziggler had Rollins in a wrestling hold as the group recited for "Monday Night Rollins". 
gossipdaily- the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Ziggler strove for a superplex from the best rope yet was pushed down. Rollins went for the frog sprinkle, however, Ziggler moved out. Ziggler handled a Famouser, however Rollins by one way or another kicked out. Ziggler countered and got a move up, however, Rollins just kicked out. Rollins then handled a kick to the essence of Ziggler for a close fall. 
Sasha Banks and Bayley Q&A 
Alexa Bliss commenced the Q&A session and picked a young lady from the gathering of people in a Rousey shirt who asked what they would do to change to RAW Women's division. Sasha said she would dispatch Alexa back to SmackDown. 
Alexa made a decent attempt to turn them against one another however when that fizzled, Dana Brooke, Mickie James, and Alicia Fox assaulted the label group from behind. Sasha and Bayley fended the three aggressors off as Alexa withdrew and the section was finished. 
Finn Balor versus Noble Corbin and Drew McIntyre 
Balor emptied on Corbin from the get-go yet Corbin backed things off with a headlock. Balor hit a colossal dropkick pursued by a major commencement the smock as we set out toward advertisements. 
We came back to see Balor on the floor outside as Corbin drove him into the blockades again and again. Balor went for a springboard move yet Corbin struck him down on the overskirt. Corbin hit a clothesline for a two tally. Balor hit a twofold step after a major counter. Finn hit a slingblade yet took a Deep Six for a close fall. 
gossipdaily-  the latest WWE Raw results on 26 november 2018
Balor hit a twofold dropkick yet missed the Coupe de Grace as Corbin ran out and announced that the match was changed to a 2 on 1 cripple coordinate with Drew McIntyre as Corbin's accomplice. 
Balor jumped off the ropes and hit McIntyre with a plunge and after that a colossal dropkick to Corbin, disposing of him. McIntyre hit the Claymore subsequent to taking Finn back to the ring and got the pinfall. 
Bobby Lashley made his passage and every one of the three hit their finishers on Finn, crushing the previous Universal Champion.

Friday 16 November 2018

What are the matchcards of WWE Survivor Series ?

gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

2018 WWE Survivor Series expectations 

Label Team Survivor Series Elimination Match - Bobby Roode and Chad Gable, The Ascension, Lucha House Party, B-Team and The Revival (Raw) versus The Usos, New Day, Good Brothers, SAnitY and The Colons (SmackDown) 

Jack Jorgensen, Adam Silverstein: It might appear to some as though the unbalanced idea of the pairings here could be a smokescreen for a Raw win - yet I don't believe that is the situation by any means. With this filling in as the kickoff demonstrate coordinate before the primary merriments happen, this one goes chalk as The Usos will procure one more award that they can gloat about going ahead for the SmackDown mark. Pick: SmackDown wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Brian Campbell: It can be exceptionally hard to anticipate a champ in this sort of match where, at last, nothing is in question. One thing that emerges is the means by which unbalanced the groups are supportive of SmackDown regarding quality. More often than not, that will in general mean the vexed triumph is coming. The red brand group who may best utilize the push of being sole survivor is Bobby Roode and Chad Gable. Pick: Raw wins 

Label Team Champions - AOP (Raw) versus The Bar (SmackDown) 

BC, AS, JJ: Unlike the other dream coordinates on the card between dynamic heroes of the two brands, this one has no storyline behind it or reasons it may be critical. It's therefore that the match would be best reserved as short and overwhelming for AOP, who can all the more likely utilize the push on this sort of grandstand. Pick: AOP wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Cruiserweight Championship - Buddy Murphy (c) versus Mustafa Ali 

JJ, BC, AS: It's far too soon to pull the cruiserweight title off of the uber-skilled Murphy, however I don't figure a triumph for the Australian champ will be the story everybody discusses leaving this one. In addition to the fact that I believe that Ali will be unsuccessful in one more journey for the purple lash, yet I figure the misfortune will come through a double-crossing on account of good companion and previous champ Cedric Alexander. In a universe of character turns in WWE recently, how about we add another to the rundown! Pick: Buddy Murphy holds the title. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.   

Men's Survivor Series Elimination Match - Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Finn Balor and Bobby Lashley (Raw) versus The Miz, Shane McMahon, Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy (SmackDown) 

gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

AS: There's such a great amount in question for Strowman in this match it would be a flat out stunner for the Raw group to lose, also the way that it is unmistakably superior to anything its SmackDown partner start to finish. In the event that WWE was not going to satisfy Stephanie McMahon's guarantee to Strowman, there would have been no motivation to make it in any case. The inquiry is will's identity left remaining when the subject of is finished. I think Raw really commands the match with Strowman and McIntyre ending up as the survivors. There's nothing to pick up from SmackDown winning, and a misfortune would help with a potential Shane McMahon heel turn, which would be phenomenal. Additionally, anticipate that Randy Orton will discover his way into this one. Pick: Raw wins 

BC, JJ: McMahon's astonishing - and unusual - triumph in the World Cup competition in Saudi Arabia as a very late substitution was intended to fuel the storyline of his kin contention with sister Stephanie in front of Survivor Series. This is a direct result of Shane's over-excitement that this yearly Raw-SmackDown competition has a touch of juice this year. Search for the blue brand to get the triumph with the goal that disharmony on the Raw side among Stephanie and acting general director Baron Corbin will proceed. While there's positively a contention to be made that Strowman or McIntyre are better off as the last man/men standing, Shane will figure out how to lie, cheat or take his approach to triumph. Pick: SmackDown wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Ladies' Survivor Series Elimination Match - Natalya, Mickie James, Nia Jax, Tamina Snuka and Ruby Riott (Raw) versus Carmella, Naomi, Asuka, Sonya Deville and TBD (SmackDown) 

JJ, BC: This one truly can be a near calamity to decide, however at last, you're most likely going to be left with a dream of Jax and Snuka standing tall as the sole overcomers of the match. Jax has a Raw ladies' title shot in her extremely not so distant future with Rousey, and I speculate WWE will truly need to keep on pushing the story of Jax and Snuka being a joined power to be figured with. Finishing the SmackDown ladies' group in this conventional 5-on-5 coordinate helps the reason in such manner. Pick: Raw wins 

AS: If the Raw men will win (spoiler for my later forecast), at that point the ladies should take their end coordinate. That is also the way that Ronda Rousey will probably beat Charlotte Flair in the ladies' singles session on this show. The SmackDown group is essentially better - and not contained for the most part heels - and when you see who can get a lift from being the sole survivor, there's solitary two aggregate names that emerge: Asuka or Jax. With Jax as of now having her title shot, search for Asuka to stand tall here. Coincidentally, where the damnation are Sasha Banks and Bayley? Pick: SmackDown wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Midcard Champions - Seth Rollins (Raw, IC) versus Shinsuke Nakamura (SmackDown, U.S.) 

gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

JJ, BC, AS: Despite not being planned for the Survivor Series occasion at all, Dean Ambrose has been at the front line of this "fantasy coordinate" to a few. Just a couple of years prior, fans were salivating at the possibility of seeing Nakamura and Rollins square off in a WWE ring. However here we are at long last, and it's about Ambrose as Rollins pretty much declines to recognize he even has this session coming up. Furthermore, depend on it, it will be about Ambrose by and by when he meddles and in this manner costs an effectively occupied Rollins the match against the United States champion. Pick: Shinsuke Nakamura wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.   

Ronda Rousey (Raw Women's Champion) versus Charlotte Flair (SmackDown) 
gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

BC, AS, JJ: While the sting of Becky Lynch hauling out with a broken face and genuine blackout absolutely lifts the spirits of this match, the inclusion of Flair (initially anticipated that would have been Rousey's WrestleMania rival) gives want to the possibility that WWE realizes what is has with Lynch. Might we be able to be poised to see Rousey-Lynch in April when everything matters? How about we trust so. For the time being, Rousey-Flair makes for a fascinating redirection, despite the fact that it isn't likely we see a spotless wrap up. This may be the ideal time to plant seeds for a possible twofold turn among Rousey and Lynch by having Rousey's Four Horsewomen sidekicks from NXT make a trip to enable her to out. Pick: Ronda Rousey wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

Heavyweight Champions - Brock Lesnar (Raw, Universal) versus Daniel Bryan (SmackDown, WWE) 
gossip daily- The matchcards of WWE Survivor Series.

AS, BC, JJ: Moving from AJ Styles to Bryan in this match was foolhardy, as I would like to think, especially on the grounds that Styles getting requital for Lesnar's win a year ago could have set up an enormous brush off at WrestleMania. With Bryan remaining as the new boss, it damages to realize that he is fundamentally going to lose his first match with the title. Yet at the same time, there's no other path for this to end. A face Bryan beating a foot sole area Lesnar at WrestleMania - that I would purchase. A foot rear area Bryan beating a rear area Lesnar at Survivor Series does not bode well. Pick: Brock Lesnar wins. The match cards of WWE Survivor Series.  

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